AnimatedContainer — Flutter

Vijay R
Published in
1 min readMay 30, 2020

AnimatedContainer Widget

The animated Container widget allow simple animation effect to be applied over the Widgets.

The AnimatedContainer has a list of parameter some of which includes duration, curve and so on…

Here is a sample code snippet of the above.

In this example, I have animated a container that contains the a text widget as a child Text(“Connected :)”)

I have also provided a Flatbutton that will trigger the animation of the above container.,

Thus on each onPressed() event, the "animationValue" is increased by a factor of 10 , hence the width of the AnimatedContainer defined above will get updated with the new value provided by this "animationValue" .

Since setState() is used, it is necessary that the Widget tree should be inside a StatefulWidgetClass .

Get the complete code here — Source Code


Video tutorial for the above : Click here

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Vijay R

Hai👋 I’m a flutter developer experienced in designing and developing stunning mobile apps. Reach out for freelance projects: