2 min readJul 20, 2017

Gacillia Nut SCAM!

July 14, 2017|Noah Flores

I was working and one morning I received an Email from a potential client. I opened and reviewed the Email which it the one below. It seemed normal nothing to crazy or out of the ordinary… but was i wrong!

There is a common scam among the web development community that fits this emails description. Pretty much what it says is “hey im interested in a website as a small business looking to grow larger.” seems normal up to that point. Most of the time people respond to find out more details and following your replay they respond with a similar email to this.

The English in this email is a little broken and sentence structure is a little off. That isn’t to big of a deal but the huge amount of money involved usually gets people all excited and giddy to work with a person willing to put in that kind of money. It is to good to be true, I happened to almost fall for this because of the same reason. I had some suspicion, due to the lack of company name, company email, and the amount involved. Never the less i proceeded with caution and decided “ well maybe if it is real I should check if the URL they want is available.” and that is when everything went south… I found hundreds of articles that report similar cases of this scam from all around the united states. After they send you money they want you to pay their art person because they are “ out of the country “ or “in the hospital” . What makes this scam even worse and what gives it the name is that the GACILLA nut that they so called proclaim to import and export along with kola nuts, and cocoa isn’t even a REAL NUT! That’s right the scam is named after a fake nut!

This is to inform all Web Developers out there that this is a scam that is taking THOUSANDS of dollars from people.


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