Python programming.

Elizabeth Nagasha
2 min readJun 18, 2019


Python is one of the richest programming languages! Easy to use, whether you are new to programming or an experienced developer, it’s really so easy to learn and use python. Invented in the Netherlands, early 90s by Open sourced from the beginning.
Python is a general purpose programming language and can used for developing both desktop and web applications.
Also, you can use Python for developing complex scientific and numeric applications.
Let’s not forget the data analysis and visualization features that come with it.

Truth is, you are not not to learn all of it in one night, it takes practice, resilience, and sleepless nights haha but when you get there you will see how it was all worth it.
Guido van Rossum.
Named after Monty Python.
Considered a scripting language, but is much more.
Scalable, object oriented and functional from the beginning.
Used by Google from the beginning.

Here’s an example of a simple program l created.

This can be written in the python IDLE ie Integrated Development Environment, below;

And the result got after running the program is;



Elizabeth Nagasha

live each day as though it was your last, embrace each moment like its your first.