Blossom is hiring

Looking to join a great team? Get in touch ☺

Thomas Schranz
5 min readJul 15, 2014

Why Blossom?

We are building the next generation of intelligent developer tools.
Solving problems forms the core of what we do.

Blossom Tea Time ☺

All founders have engineering & design background.
We are product people by heart.

At Blossom we deeply care about engineering excellence and crafting a great product for our customers.

We think long-term. Whether it is about our customers, technology, platform, design, partners or product decisions we take time to contemplate what decisions mean going forward.

We are distributed

We really believe in the potential of distributed teams. It’s incredibly fascinating how working on software enables us to contribute from wherever we are.

“Yay, I just opened a new pull request.”

Whether you prefer to be in a co-working space, at home, on an island, high up in the alps, at the bottom of the ocean, in space or even on Mars

The only thing that matters to us is that you feel comfortable,
productive & connected ☺

We’re currently looking to fill the following roles.
Please help us spread the word ☺(tweet)

Full Stack Engineer

At Blossom we deeply care about all the tools our customers use in their day to day. We love streamlining workflows.

“You can do anything you want to do, if you put your mind to it.” — MacGyver

Blossom is an integral part of the daily workflow of thousands of people working on amazing software products.

We don’t consider integrations with other services solely as checking a box on a feature matrix.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke

Coming up with a brilliant & seamless integration that delivers a ton of value while feeling natural is a tough challenge. A truly great integration feels like magic.

Ready for some workflow magic?

Sounds interesting? → Apply now

User Experience Engineer

Blossom is a developer productivity tool. This means that offering an outstanding user experience here is not just a nice to have, it is essential.

“Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” — Steve Jobs

Many of our customers chose Blossom because we care about user experience way more than others and also deliver on that philosophy.

We strive to follow in the footsteps of companies like Apple, Path, Stripe, RelateIQ & Square who understand design in a holistic way.

It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.
Steve Jobs

When it comes to design in the developer productivity space we may lead right now but we believe we can go way further.

Can you lead the way?

Sounds interesting? → Apply now

Device Engineer

Our customers want to be able to drop in and out of Blossom seamlessly whenever it makes sense for them. As low-friction as possible.

“Who you gonna call? …”

Google Glass, Apple TV, Chromecast, Android, iOS, Web stores and many more interesting platforms & interaction concepts are popping up to provide ubiquitous & truly immersive access to services.

Our job is to remind us that there are more contexts than the one that we’re in.
Alan Kay

This is an opportunity to leap-frog the market and set a new standard for ubiquitous team productivity.

Context is king.

Sounds interesting? → Apply now

Data Science Engineer

We believe there is a ton of untapped opportunity in helping people make better product management decisions.

“Well, let me show you some stuff anyway, just for old times’ sake.”
Lucius Fox

With Blossom we’re building a “Google-now”-like experience for software development teams.

Whether that means sentiment analysis on a comment thread in a feature discussion, automatically identifying technical debt in pull requests or helping people to make better sense of productivity & performance metrics — there are a lot of use-cases where we can assist software developers in their day to day.

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Alan Kay

You’ll help us deliver the future sooner.
Best thing next to time traveling.

Sounds interesting? → Apply now

Product Marketeer & Growth Engineer

Many of the best software companies in the world are already happy customers of Blossom, but we want to grow beyond the tip of the iceberg.

“Hello … I’m Mr Wolf …
I solve problems …”

To increase our impact we are looking for someone who can help us to grow beyond our core customer base of early adopters.

You will lift product management best practices as well as the philosophy behind Kanban, Lean and Blossom itself into mainstream.

You will be in the driver’s seat of all our customer acquisition activities and be responsible for growing our revenue to unlock further resources.

Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.
Sun Tzu

You will define our strategy & tactics for branding, marketing, sales and customer success. Your main focus will be to build and operate a holistic revenue machine.

Sounds interesting? → Apply now

Something Missing?

We’re always looking for great talent even if you are not matching one of the above positions. Tell us why you’d like to join us. ☺

Ocean’s Eleven

Sounds interesting? → Apply now

