The Meme Economy is Here

Archetype Network
3 min readOct 20, 2017


What is the Meme Economy? To most it’s a meta-meme, a massive in-joke revolving around the economic life of memes. This takes place mostly in a corner of the internet on Reddit, a place called /r/MemeEconomy. Here users post memes and reap their delicious rewards of karma, as the market sees fit. Here lies a Chicago-stock-exchange-floor-style arena of meme posters dishing out upvotes, downvotes, market advice, and misinformation. A joke ecosystem fueled by imaginary currency. However, to him who can see, the meme of the Meme Economy has a much more powerful and far reaching potential.

Memes truly are valuable. We live in a world where memes help decide elections — the fate of nations! Unfortunately, the platforms atop which memes thrive absorb most of their value-add. Rarely do the creators of memes get rewarded, and if they do it is only in the form of some ancillary revenue channel which they have to establish themselves. The user traffic generated by memes are aggregated into the whirlwind of ad revenue for platforms like Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Imagine if all that pooled value could be given back to the meme creators; to each according to his meme!

That’s the vision of the Archetype Network. By using blockchain technology, we’ve developed a platform where anyone can create their own digitally scarce meme and trade it — yes, trade your meme — on a decentralized market. This can take the form of IMO’s (initial meme offerings), meme giveaways, and a myriad of new and exciting use cases waiting to be dreamed up. This is the infrastructure atop which the true Meme Economy will come to life.

Gone are the days when shitposters fervently analyze cultural trends for a pittance of karma in return. Now you can turn your unique eye for dankness into a truly valuable commodity. Create memes and sell them on the open market, or buy new, up-and-coming memes which you know will grow in popularity. As many users start to own certain memes, new industries will form based around the propagation of those memes to increase their market value. This is the Meme Economy.

Trade your Meme on the Archetype Network

Your meme token is your ticket to the Meme Economy. Decide on the name of your meme and a custom image to upload and be viewable on the markets in addition to other parameters designed to increase the informational relevancy of your meme. Then go make a post on Reddit, Steem-it, Facebook (normies only), or elsewhere and shill your new meme token. Viola!

To celebrate the coming launch of our network and introduce people the concept that memes have real value, we have $10,000 in Bitcoin stashed aside to reward meme creators! Check out our meme bounty program rules to see how you can earn Bitcoin this way over the next few months.

Learn more about the Archetype Network on our website,, and be on the lookout for an AMA in /r/MemeEconomy soon.


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