Aim to Be Successful, Not Steve Jobs

Elston Baretto
2 min readMar 1, 2020

The following is for people who are ambitious. They type of people who have seen Steve Jobs and caught a glimpse of the route to phenomenal success. The type of people who believe they can build the world’s most valuable company from their garage and the type of people who simply aspire to be like somebody else.

Ambition is great; more people should be ambitious. However, the question every ambitious individual should be asking themselves is: why do I seek such success? For, if it is to replicate the success achieved by somebody else, they will fail. No person will ever replicate the success of Steve Jobs. Why? Because there was only one Steve Jobs. Such figureheads should be an inspiration, but not idolized.

Instead, your focus should be placed on the core qualities that you have been gifted. The formula for success is to introspectively understand your talents within and determine the most effective means of harnessing them. However, talent is wasted if not nurtured through sheer hard work. No matter how Hollywood may portray success, there exists no easy path. The truly successful are not fuelled by riches or fame but achieving something great in their lifetime and see no obstacle in their way. A tireless work ethic is fundamental to achieving their goal, but such people do not see it as ‘work’ in the conventional sense, they see it as a mission.



Elston Baretto

Creator of — The simplest way to share your web project. Made in London 💂.