A Lifestyle of Gratitude

Brian Rensing
2 min readNov 24, 2014


Thanksgiving. Everybody is thinking and talking about why they are grateful. We all know or have heard that the happiest people are those who express thankfulness on a regular basis.

I was recently talking with a friend who had been travelling to underprivileged nations and I asked what surprised him most. He commented on how little people had and yet they found happiness. Joy unbridled by the trappings of “stuff”. He further highlighted the contrast when he came back and observed how unhappy some of the most privileged people in the world seemed to be.

I’ll list a few things for which I am thankful. But more importantly, I want to commit to gratitude as a lifestyle. And these represent the start:

Family: I was speaking with a friend who shared with me the concept of family as being that group of people who are your closest friends on earth. So go out of your way to treat them like gold, be quick to forgive, and even quicker to help. I’m grateful to family who are there in the good times and bad and who are my closest friends, even in the times when I am not.

Friends: Old, New, and Yet to Meet: I've had the great honor in recent months to meet a lot of new friends. I used to think it trivial to call a newly met acquaintance a friend, but I've changed my thinking based on the kindness of strangers become friends. And reconnecting with old friends is always a refreshing and uplifting experience.

Opportunity: I am glad for a range of opportunities: to learn from people and mistakes; to help other people; to be a part of something bigger than myself; to be a father to my sons.

There are so many more things I can list, and I will tally these in my journal. Regularly. As a lifestyle. And demonstrate it.

I’d love to hear about the things for which you are grateful. How do you live gratitude? Will you commit with me to a lifestyle of gratitude?

Originally published at www.linkedin.com on November 20, 2014.



Brian Rensing

Just a simple country lawyer | Converging Business & Technology | Transforming Human Experiences | Passionate About Leadership | Perpetual Learning