Science is all about reproducible findings.

Eric Elliott
1 min readJun 20, 2016

I’ve seen dozens of attacks on study methodologies in knee-jerk reactions to discredit research. Our natural inclination when we hear things that contradict our strongly held beliefs is to reject them out of hand, as quickly and as effortlessly as possible.

It takes zero effort and zero talent to attack somebody else’s work or study methodologies. Thankfully, it takes a bit more effort than that to discredit it with science.

Teach Me Something I Don’t Know

I’m thoroughly unimpressed by all the attempts to discredit the message by attacking the easiest possible thing to attack about the article, even though it’s backed up by a more robust study.

You know what I haven’t seen that would really impress me?

I haven’t seen anybody conduct their own study and come up with strong evidence to support static type’s impact on bug density.

In short:

Quit blowing hot air and back up your claims with science.

