Syrian refugees unwanted due to entitlement, not religion

Honza Pokorny
2 min readOct 23, 2015


The Syrian refugee crisis has taken over Europe. Most people don’t want anything to do with these foreigners. Facebook is full of groups and posts asking governments to evict these Syrians.

Not me. If your own country is full of war and violence, please come. I mean it. I was born in the Czech Republic, and I’m an immigrant living in Canada. This is slightly more than philosophical to me.

While I’m 100% in support of accepting refugees, I cannot understand their behavior. Sure, there are bound to be differences in cultures, and there is nothing wrong with that. People just need to learn to accept them. What I cannot wrap my head around is the amount of disrespect, contempt, and plain ungratefulness most of these refugees are displaying. When governments fail to help them, ordinary people step up. There are many news stories about this:

As I said, I live in Canada. I’m white and enjoy a tremendous amount of privilege. And yet, I make no demands of the Canadian government. I am always checking my behavior and actions to ensure that I’m within the bounds of general acceptability. I’m grateful to Canada for letting me in. If I were to behave like many of the Syrians, I would certainly jeopardize my status here.

Why don’t they feel the same? Why do they treat their new homes like garbage? What am I missing?

I submit to you that the reason why Arabs coming into Europe aren’t welcomed with open arms isn’t because of their religion—it’s because of their entitlement.



Honza Pokorny

Servant to the King, husband, father, Lisp fanboy, FP maniac, coffee drinker, chocolate eater, ...