East or West Berlin? Where the f…* am I.

christoph kock
3 min readDec 23, 2016


Sometimes the best ideas are way off brief or are born in a moment of sudden epiphany. Every creative has the obligation to follow the allure of the muse and produce some of the ideas that come to mind.

“East or West Berlin?” is just one example of a side project that I like to work on in my spare time. This neat little mobile site erases the guessing game when one is in Berlin and can’t seem to find the answer for the question “Where the f*** am I?”.

Some years ago I moved from Hamburg to Berlin. And since I live here I often had the question, ‘Where the f… am I?’ Former East or West Berlin? It was not only because I lived on the Sonnenallee in Neukölln, a street where the border goes through. This question came up a couple of times when I walked through Berlin.

Of course thanks to David Hasselhoff’s enticing tunes the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, breaking a barrier that divided Berlin for almost thirty years. The fall of the Berlin Wall enabled Charlie to leave his Checkpoint and introduced East-Berliners to the Playboy.

What once was one was one again. And that´s good how it is. The city is now one city. There are only some signs that reminds you that you are in the former East or in the former West part. But I think no matter how good that is, it will always be part of the history from Berlin.

This question needs an answer.

After some friends, who where visiting me in Berlin, came up with the same question I thought this question needs an answer. Not only for me or for my friends, also for all the tourists or people, who are in Berlin and have the same question.

That´s why we, my dude Matthijs and I, developed a small mobile site thats uses your location and shows you where you are. East or West Berlin! We’ve also add some information about both parts. But that’s it. No more no less.

How does it work?

You have to be in Berlin. Makes sense, right? Visit www.eastorwest.berlin on your mobile browser. Now you know where you are. That´s it. Easy right?

