Why Is Russia Using Twitter and Facebook? Read This Polish Report to Find Out

We’ve built the perfect machine for another country to capture and retain “users”

Jacob Ward
6 min readSep 29, 2017

The series “Guidance Systems” discusses technologies that seem to improve our lives by offering us new choices, while in fact shaping or removing our ability to decide things for ourselves.

A Moscow shop assistant cleans TV screens during a 2014 speech by Vladimir Putin. Photo: Dmitri Dukhanin/Kommersant via Getty Images

Back in August a Twitter user, “Conspirador Norteño,” began documenting an interesting pattern among certain folks posting alt-right messages. Here’s one user that fit the pattern.

Conspirador Norteño picked one user, DavidJo52951945, from this group — one of more than 60,000 in a network of similar users.

DavidJo52951945 went on a daily tear, writing over the years about Brexit, about Ukraine…



Jacob Ward

Technology correspondent for NBC News. Berggruen Fellow at Stanford’s CASBS program. Former editor-in-chief of Popular Science. http://www.jacobward.com