How I Turned $0 into $5,000: Your Go-To Guide for Earning Cryptocurrency Online with Hive

Ken Dewitt
5 min readSep 7, 2023

Wondering how to make money from home without compromising your privacy, getting scammed, or becoming another cog in the corporate machine? Have a Youtube channel that still isn’t monetized after years of uploading videos? Looking for the real deal in online earning platforms?

Look no further. In 2016, I stumbled upon Hive, a decentralized online earnings platform that rewards you for your content. Fast-forward to now: My Hive account is sitting pretty at around $5,000. And I don’t even post very much! What’s more amazing is, you can even earn this kind of money anonymously if you want to.

You’ve probably waded through endless ways to earn online. But Hive is truly special. It pays you in its own cryptocurrency, called “Hive”, appropriately. The more your content gets liked and upvoted, the more Hive coins you rake in. And these coins can be traded for cash on crypto exchanges, or reinvested back into the platform to help you earn even more. Curious? Check out my Hive profile on Proof of my earnings is right there on the blockchain for anyone to see.

Wondering why my Hive profile is on a site called Ecency? That’s because there are many sites and apps that display Hive content. Hive isn’t really a platform on its own. It’s infrastructure that any platform can use to monetize content. So you can also see my wallet and content at or or Leo Finance or any of the other many sites and apps that use the Hive blockchain.

Check out some of the Hive power users below, who post more consistently and earn way more than I probably ever will.


Other Ways to Earn: Upvoting, Commenting, 20% APY Savings, Play To Earn Games

Already into crypto? You’ll fit right in. New to it? No worries — Hive has an army of posts to guide you through cashing out, increasing your earnings, and mastering crypto concepts. Not sure what to write? Write about whatever you want. Just make sure to be social and make friends, because being social on Hive gets you more followers who will vote on your quality posts.

Don’t really like writing long form content? There are other ways to earn on Hive — like commenting on other peoples’ posts, for example. People love engagement on Hive, and many Hive users will upvote comments on their own or others’ posts. And sometimes comments earn even more than your regular posts! Do you get paid to interact with other users on Twitter? Yeah, didn’t think so.

Or you can earn by microblogging on or Leo Threads, if you prefer a more Twitter-like experience.

Earn Hive by microblogging on D.Buzz

Not a fan of writing, like, at all? Try upvoting other people’s posts. Every post pays out a certain percentage of the rewards not just to the author, but to the people who upvoted it. You can literally make money just by clicking a button!

Too lazy to even click on stuff? Earn some stable-as-could-be Hive Dollars (Hive’s stablecoin), and then park them in savings for a whopping 20% APY. Then just sit back and watch the money roll in as your interest compounds. Hive is an earn-online powerhouse if you dig into it. For the 20% APY you might want to hurry, though, as there’s currently talk of a vote to lower it to 12%. Still a great return though!

But wait, gamers, there’s more! Dive into Splinterlands, a top-rated web3 game, and play your way to more Hive and other coins, like Splinterlands’ own SPS tokens. You’ll earn while having a blast — no kidding. And there are other up-and-coming play to earn games on Hive as well, with plenty of opportunities to be early and earn coins *before* they go viral and skyrocket in value.

And after you earn some SPS in Splinterlands, post about it on Splintertalk and earn some more. There are countless ways to earn with your Hive account.

Imagine an ecosystem that pays you for writing articles, microblogging, snapping photos, or even gaming. It’s more than freelance gigs; it’s a smorgasbord of ways to fill your wallet while nurturing your content creation chops.

During bullish times, my account skyrocketed to as much as $60,000. Hive’s value can swing, and the crypto market is currently down, but another bull run’s on the horizon. Translation? Now’s the time to earn more with fewer creators hogging the daily rewards.

Casual or Committed, Your Choice

Feel like just casually jotting down thoughts? That’ll net you a few Hive coins. Want to buckle down and make some serious money? You can do that too. The only obstacle on Hive is yourself. There is no boss. There is no CEO. There is no gatekeeper to tell you your writing doesn’t meet the standard. The only thing you have to do is convince other users that you have something of value to offer. And everyone has something of value, IMHO.

Ready to leap into Hive and start your journey to financial freedom?

There are multiple ways to create a Hive account. You can try Ecency, which is free, or go to Peakd and click Signup in the upper-right corner. Peakd has a few different sign up options, both free and paid. There are several other sign up options on, and there are probably other ones I don’t even know about. Seriously, I discover new sites and apps on Hive all the time, and it is impossible to keep track of them all.

Oh, by the way, these are not affiliate links. I don’t make any money if you sign up. But if you do sign up, let me know your username in the comments below and I will put you on my Upvote Radar!

And stay tuned for more Hive and other crypto and web3 related content by subscribing to my blog here on Medium.



Ken Dewitt

Early Web3 and Hive blockchain fan. Former EFL school owner, now EFL teacher and remote worker. Exploring the intersection of tech and education.