Why You’re Not Getting Promoted (as an Engineer)

It’s not technical skills you’re missing

Michael Lin
8 min readMar 21, 2022
You don’t have to wait for the next promotion cycle to get promoted.

Engineers often try to get promoted by focusing on their technical skills. Like writing more unit tests. Or learning a new programming language.

After all, the best engineers get promoted. Right?

Being good at your job is different than advancing in your career. The people who get stuck only do what they’re told — and then wonder why they’re not getting anywhere.

Me waiting to get promoted

The people who get promoted manage their careers like it’s a separate job. They don’t wait for opportunities to happen. They make them happen.

In this article, I discuss the 3 most common career mistakes that cause engineers to get passed up for promotion.

None of them involve getting better at your current job.

A Lesson from American Politics

When a new US president gets elected, their first task is to hire the right people for their team. They have to pick their advisors and choose who to nominate to their cabinet.

