Functional vs Object-oriented Programming

Ardhi, Muhammad
3 min readAug 15, 2021


Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Both functional and OOP have their usage cases, and they seem to offer robust options to complex programming issues. Naturally, each in its way! We can utilize both paradigms to understand the distinctions between them and find out where they would fit properly.

Functional Programming

Functional programming is one of the well-known programming paradigms that has recently seen appeal among developers. The primary intent of functional programming is to prevent changing states and working with mutable information. When it passed particular inputs, it is completely worried about achieving the output of a function.

Functional programming is concerned with the ‘what’ instead of the ‘how’ part of coming to a solution. Pure reliance on the arguments of a function to accomplish results is what makes this paradigm special.

Think about that you have a function that multiplies 2 numbers. When you input the same values for the criteria, your output will always be the very same.

When the talk is about how things work in the backend, regarding structure, reasoning, and upkeep, functional programming is excellent when there is no history of data or states to handle. Predetermined boundaries are amongst the essential things that assist functional programming to work effectively.

There are numerous advantages to utilizing functional programming, and some of them are as follows:

  • Highly efficient processing
  • Assistance for lazy examination
  • Use of nested functions
  • Arrangement of easy debuggability
  • Powering parallel programming capabilities

Functional programming is utilized to compose the functions that have a particular task and output the outcome. If several functions do the same task, then each sub-function will have its small reasoning, making it really effective when utilized with the other functions.

The essential thing is its capability to provide highly modular and tidy code to work with. And for this, functional programming is seeing a lot of limelight!

Object-Oriented Programming

Object-Oriented Programming is a paradigm that has been here for a while, and there are numerous reasons for this. It is great to check out what it provides and how it processes whatever.

Every entity on the planet of OOP is thought about as an object, hence the name. These objects can be information structures, variable entities, or more. An object has two main points that govern it: qualities and functions.

Qualities describe an object much better and provide it a sense of meaning, while functions are perturbed about obtaining an objective utilizing things.

Consider this basic example of a car and truck:

Functions: Moves fast, security functions, comfortable, and so on
.Qualities give more meaning to an object, and functions govern what the object does.

On the programming side of things, OOP is mainly concerned with encapsulating data from outdoors entities. Encapsulation is the procedure utilized to hide variables and entities from unwarranted gain access outside its scope. This, for security factors, is fantastic and works well to prevent unintentional data usage and leak also.

Because of the feel designers get when working with object-oriented programming. This is just like how real life works. Everything is an object with characteristics and functions.

This allows for more simple transitions from the genuine world into programs when providing services to customers.


Which is better? I am sure you had this concern in mind, and the above information would’ve provided you some clearness on this front.

It is hard to choose one to be a favorite as they are great at supplying fantastic programming capabilities in various circumstances. Both functional programming and OOP utilize totally different approaches for working and saving with data. In functional programming, it can not save information like items, and the information can just be transformed and dealt with by creating functions.

On the other hand, functional programming shines when the code requires new operations on existing items. When dealing with intricacy is the primary objective, functional programming is revered and works effectively.

It is ideal if the objective is to keep things packaged and protected from unwanted access and use when it comes to the object-oriented approach. When a scenario calls for dealing with different things with limits, OOP is wonderful to keep everything protected and packaged up.

I hope that the distinction between Functional Programming and Object-Oriented Programming is now clear to you.



Ardhi, Muhammad

I’m repurposing content all over the internet, the sea of words and codes, adding a bit of my flair—all for escaping nine-to-five (aren’t all of us eventually?)