Shit I Liked Online in 2016

3 min readDec 31, 2016


So I’m not going to do an introspective “look back on my year” review, nor am I going to try and sugar coat this dumpster fire of a year…the world kind of took a shit bath, and it ain’t gonna get easier going forward.

So instead of platitudes, here are some things I enjoyed online in 2016:

  1. Epitaph
    This is a text only game that’s plugged as an alien extinction simulator. Its engrossing, bleak, and beautiful, and wrapped in a simple interface.
  2. SEAGULLS! (stop it now)
    The last in the Bad Lip Reading series of Star Wars. Catchy and weird, strangely true to its source material. This one will make it into my usual music rotation.
  3. RTJ and Shadow
    In 4 minutes they basically sum up the current state of American Politics, or mostly how a lot of us felt watching that flaming pile of bile go down over the last year. Bonus points for the Animal Farm references.
  4. The Cableporn Sub-Reddit
    Is there anything better than this? No. There really isn’t.
  5. Cake Decorating Videos
    Much like How its Made, or weirdly autonomous processes, I find watching cake decorating techniques really relaxing. Do I want to do it? Might try, but I’m not a food styler and my buttercream frosting making ability would have to get waaaay better. But hot damn, these ppl really know their shit.
  6. Putting “Virtual Assistants” Into Weird Shit
    Its coming. You know it is. You’ve watched Her, you’ve read books, articles, THE SINGULARITY IS NEAR…maybe…if we ever survive climate change (cough). But it might be in the form of a Billy Bass, which…I would be sorta way more than ok with. Also you know nothing is gonna work properly, right?
  7. Slack
    What would I do without you, IRC with a GUI?
  8. Future Memes
    Memes will exist for as long as people have access to a network of any kind. But speculative memes are an extra flavour of weird.
  9. The Speculative Futures Reading List
    Finally. Some of my favourite articles, all in one place.
  10. Star Wars Think Pieces and Remixes
    Exactly WHY does the SW universe have so many data formats? WTF is up with the Galactic Economy? What about the droid insurgence? How does Vader’s lava castle change him? Finn should kiss everyone. Also this amazing vine/clip. I like the SW Universe, and its nice to have it back in the forefront of popular media again.
  11. Being Critical of The Maker Movement
    The dust has settled, and the filament has cooled. Let’s sit down and figure out WHY we’re doing some things, and maybe the labels we have around that as well.
  12. Simpsonwave
    Need I say more?
  13. Snek and Pupper Memes
    All sneks have interior monologues. And puppers are the great.
  14. Chester Cheetah Embracing Furry Twitter
    Everyone needs validation from their celebrity crushes now and then.
  15. Books About Pet Grief
    They really helped when my wonderful cat Sydney (aka Haggis) of 13 years died this summer.
  16. The Internet Of Shit
    I love the IoT. I love it because its in the “omg that’s so stupid and hilarious” phase, but on the cusp of becoming “dang this shit is kind of scary, but now I can’t live without it” reality. Still it would be advisable to learn to MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN BED.
  17. The Nature Of Code
    If you would have told me that I, a professed “I can’t do math” person, would teach myself basic trig again in the summer, I would have called you mad. But that’s what happened. Do I remember it now? I don’t know. But I have a notebook full of vector math, and trig. Thanks NoC. Also math is pretty fun when you have a calculator doing the crunching for you.
  18. The Bunz Planting Zone
    Show me your flowering cacti, give me your soil tips, post about your plant finds. I will listen.
  19. Overwatch Fandom
    I don’t play Overwatch, but the fandom, and memes, and comics, and people’s shipping, and the head cannon, is amazing.
  20. GifCities
    The Internet Archive made a GeoCities animated gif search engine. Talk about a nostalgia trip, also I can finally deck my personal site out w/ some skulls. YEAH.




Bikes. Arduinos. Peripherals. Code. Art. Cats. Maker of things. Grumpy. I make digital art stuff.