Start using Java 9 shell — jshell with docker

Purushotham Kaushik
1 min readDec 5, 2016


REPL has finally arrived in Java 9. This is how I got started with jshell without hurting my local Java 8 setup by using Docker. I assume you’re a developer with a Unix/Linux shell(highly recommend zsh with oh-my-zsh).

  1. Get docker — and start the daemon (in Mac OS X docker starts once you install the Docker App)

2. Pull the OpenJDK jdk 9 early access release image from docker hub

$ docker pull openjdk:9-jdk

3. Run the Docker container with the following:

$ docker run -it openjdk:9-jdk /bin/jshell
Dec 04, 2016 11:57:55 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$1 run
INFO: Created user preferences directory.
| Welcome to JShell -- Version 9-Debian
| For an introduction type: /help intro

Voila! The jshell opens up in your current shell.

4. [Extra-Credit] Create a shell script to do step 3 and add it to /usr/local/bin to just type in jshell and get the java 9 shell from your *SH terminal:

This is how my /usr/local/bin/jshell script looks like:

docker run -it openjdk:9-jdk /bin/jshell

Happy jshelling.

