What is the Pragmatic Recruitment Framework and what can Recruitment learn from Product Marketing?

Rob Long
2 min readApr 5, 2019


I’m not a fan of the “Recruitment is just like X” rhetoric but do believe every discipline can learn from others. So I’ve been thinking about what Recruitment can learn from Product Marketing and so far this beast (or BS…you decide) is where those thoughts are leading…

Pragmatic Recruiting Framework (v2, updated 16 August 2019) based on the Pragmatic Marketing Framework

I’m sharing this in an unfinished state so people can provide feedback, ideas or simply call BS.

For some context. This borrows very heavily from the Pragmatic Marketing Framework. The general concept is that you can’t do the things on the right (Execution) well if you don’t start with the things on the left (Strategy).

Diverting a little from the PMF I’ve tried to split the items into those more focussed on your Company (lower) and those more foccues on the Candidate (higher). I don’t think that part works so well yet but this is a work in progress I wanted to share to get feedback on, ideally from practitioners.

I’m not suggesting that every company should spend days/weeks on each item. Even the Pragmatic Marketing Framework doesn’t suggest every item is as important for every company. What I suggest is that you score the items based on importance to you (1–3) and consider how well you are doing on each item (score 1–3). Focus on the ones with high importance (1) where you’re not doing so well (2 or 3).

Boiling down each stage from Strategy to Execution, you get an overview like this:

Sounds simple enough, right? You’re probably thinking along these lines generally already even if not consciously. So why bother with a framework? I thought the same as I scrambled for a reason to justify to the powers that be why I had spent my time on this, so I’ll cop out:

The Pragmatic Marketing Framework provides a standard language for your entire product team and a blueprint of the key activities needed to bring profitable, problem-oriented products to market.

That’s how Pragmatic Marketing explain the value of their Framework. It’s not a silver bullet and you’re at risk of being trapped by dogma if you decide to make it an almost religious or cult-like belief.



Rob Long

Work for @Workable - Recruitment and applicant tracking software that people like using. Enthusiastic amateur when it comes to music and sailing