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#8 Functional Approach: Destructuring

Ricardo Luz
2 min readApr 19, 2018


When we call a JS function we have problems to identify the parameters name, once we only send the argument, like in the example below:

The problem is, the arguments have no name, but they have a specific order, depending on your code this is a door to create bugs once is easy to put this parameter in a different order.

This case is only one of the things that destructuring helps you to solve! Using destructuring you could nominate your parameters using a simple array, like this:

Cool right? Now the order doesn’t matter anymore, and you only needed to add “{“ before your parameters and “}” after.

But there is more, using this technique you could define a default value for your parameters like this:

Also, you can use destructuring to extract from a long array only the keys that you want to use and transform this keys into a new variable, like this:

If you to want to know more about Javascript I recommend these books:

  • You Don’t Know JS Serie by Kyle Simpson (My favourite)
  • Eloquent JS by Marijn Haverbeke
  • Head First Javascript by Michael Morrison
  • Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja by Bear Bibeault and John Resig

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You can connect with me on Twitter: @_rxluz or in my Website.

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