Data from getting featured on BetaList

1 min readJun 27, 2015


We just launched Aboardly and finally got some time to write a quick blog.

I created the landing page for Aboardly in January, a few weeks before getting featured. It was just a quick mockup to test if there would be any interest in customer based automated emailing as a service.

To be honest I had just buried the idea from lack of interest when I got a tweet from @betalist saying that I was listed!


Under 500 unique visitors was not that impressive.

What was impressive, was that ~50% of the visitors entered their email! I got 220 email signups which was enough to start working on the idea.

Not only was the initial signup rate very high but after sending out a couple batches of beta invites via email the open rate was nearly 70%.

In conclusion you wont find any sudden success from getting listed on BetaList however you may get a good number of active early adopters.

