Social Media Work: Is It Worth The Effort For Me?

Tobias Trapp
8 min readNov 1, 2022


Only some companies see the urgent need to create one or more accounts for the company on social media. Yet there are numerous ways to network on the Internet and directly contact customers and prospects. However, the question arises for which companies it is worthwhile. To anticipate: In most cases, social media activity is profitable. In the following article, we explain why this is the case, what advantages social media offers companies, and in which networks it can be worthwhile for your company to be present.

Why Is Social Media Work Relevant For Businesses?

One of the main reasons businesses have a presence on social media is because of its broad reach. A large percentage of people use social media in some form. In 2016, around 80 percent of German Internet users already had at least one account with a social network. The ability to access social networks via smartphone without barriers has led to members engaging with them in some form throughout the day. As early as 2021, nearly three billion people worldwide use social networks. People post posts, photos, and status messages and receive comments, likes, and new notifications. Users of the platforms are usually connected to their social network and use it to shape their everyday communication. Social media have a correspondingly high status in the daily lives of most users.

The decisive advantage is that many people spend their time here voluntarily. They are not rushed during more extended stays, relax from stressful everyday life, and are thus accessible in a completely different way than in more hectic situations. In addition, they reveal quite a bit of information about themselves through their profile settings, likes, etc. This means that, on the one hand, almost every conceivable target group can be found here in some form — and that social networks, especially Facebook, offer the possibility of precisely filtering out this target group. This is the most critical factor when advertising, specifically via social media.

What Other Factors Are Relevant For The Company Presentation On Social Networks?

In addition to potential advertising, other factors play a decisive role. Presence in the area of social media enables interaction, customer loyalty, and feedback. Accordingly, many companies use this opportunity to stay permanently connected with their customers and to provide exciting content and easy access for prospective customers. Below are some of the essential points social media can achieve for you.

Your Customers Recommend You

Every like, comment, and shared post ensures that you gain reach. Your company and your posts thus become visible to the social contacts of the respective user. If they also find it interesting, they will spread the word to a certain extent. This is precisely how your presence spreads very quickly without much effort.

You Develop Into A Brand

Ideally, this is how you ensure that your customer network grows via social media and that you develop into a brand. A lasting presence with customers is a door opener for company growth. The essential basis for this is, of course, good business performance and a positive image. After all, everyone can see what and how you communicate via your account.

Not Only Do You Find Customers — But Customers Also Find You

By now, social media has become so established among companies that your prospects and customers can also search for you there. If they find you, they can get in touch with you. They leave you a comment about their concern directly via the portal or send you a message. This direct access seems relatively barrier-free, not requiring extensive email correspondence or the like. In addition, if the accounts are well maintained, they will find a lot of relevant information or pictures about your company. Accordingly, they are particularly well suited to informing and retaining loyal customers.

Your Web Presence Becomes Stronger

If posts linked to your website are shared, the number of backlinks to your page increases simultaneously. This increases the relevance of your page to specific topics and thus ensures natural link-building.

You Get Direct Feedback From Your Customers

In times when everyone can comment on social networks without being asked, you will automatically get feedback from your customers. This can be in the form of messages or comments. You must respond as soon as possible and deal with the requests appropriately. On the one hand, you get input about what your customers want and what you can improve. On the other hand, you can improve your image with a professional approach to potential problems.

You Stand Out From The Competition

In the meantime, companies have become interchangeable in many areas. There is a high density of companies and an absolute flood of information. Everywhere you come across companies, advertisements, recommendations, comparison portals, and so on. Therefore, if you want your business to become big, it is essential that you stand out and stand out for your customers. Social media is perfect for this because you can present yourself, your company, and exciting information about your field here.

For Which Companies Are Social Media Not Suitable?

With these advantages in mind, we can also answer the question of for whom social media are not suitable. In the following, we will give you three examples of when a social media presence is counterproductive or unnecessary.

Businesses With Walk-In Customers

These businesses have little or no need for the benefits mentioned above. For example, this may be the case if you have a lot of walk-in customers. Gas stations and kiosks would be a fitting example. Everyone who sees such a store knows what they can get there and goes there when they are looking for a product available there. The target group is clearly defined and knows that a visit is necessary if they need the product.

Too Little Time Management

In addition, it’s easier to play on social media if you can meet the resulting demand. For example, if you’re up to your ears in orders and don’t know how to process them, a social media presence is excellent, but at the same time presents you with the problem of how you can use it within the framework of your time management. Either it will cost you much time that you could use for order processing, or you will only be able to operate the social channels appropriately, which could spoil your image as a company. Accordingly, in such cases, you should consider creating the necessary capacities first so that you can eventually handle both social media and your existing orders and a potential increase in orders via your social channels in a meaningful way.

Business Idea Is Not Yet Mature

There is nothing wrong with brand building with a clear product concept before the launch. However, there are two risks. On the one hand, you make your business idea so public that other companies may become aware of it. If, for example, you want to patent your idea before you start, there is a particular risk that your picture will be taken over by clever competitors and implemented even faster. The same applies if you are in the start-up phase and are still planning product design and production launch.

On the other hand, time organization can become a problem if you can’t keep it. Let’s assume you announce your product launch on date X, get your potential customers excited about your offer, and then have to postpone the launch for a long time or several times for whatever reason. Then you’ve given away a massive amount of customer potential because some potential customers have dropped out due to the waiting time or no longer consider you a reliable entrepreneur.

Essential Tips For Designing And Using Your Account

Use social media as something other than a pure advertising platform. Of course, you can showcase new products and highlight what makes you great as a company. But above all, it’s about offering your followers what they want. That can be exciting blog topics, interesting guides, and helpful tips for solving everyday problems. Then you generate added value for your followers and will be able to hold their attention.

  • Always take enough time to comment and respond promptly to requests and problems. Nothing ruins your image more than if your customers get the impression that you are not interested in their concerns, are unreliable, or even react condescendingly and angrily to comments. You have to treat your customers with the same care. Everyone can see that on social media.
  • The same applies to the general operation of your social networks as a company. Only go so far if you can handle the workload involved. Quality comes before quantity here. So before using it, develop a strategy for how you want to proceed. How often do you like to link to posts or share information? What exactly do you want to present? Who will take care of customer care?
  • Make sure your account is complete. This means that you completely store all relevant information, such as a brief description of the company, address, homepage, contact information, etc. The easier you make it for your users to access information, the better they can get in touch with you.
    Tailor your social media activity to your target audience. Only some platforms are equally suitable for some companies. In the following section, you will find a few essential pointers regarding which platform is ideal for you and in which cases.

A Brief Overview Of Different Networks: Which Platform Is Suitable For Which Purpose?

Facebook: The classic among social networks

Facebook is quite an all-purpose weapon. You should stay here if your clientele consists mainly of private individuals. But you can also find business contacts and groups on different services here.

Instagram: Trendy & modern

Instagram is all about a good combination of photos and storytelling. Especially if you can visualize your products or locations well, you are in excellent hands here.

Twitter: Position yourself as an expert

Twitter can be challenging for businesses to use. The problem is that it is not as well suited as a real advertising platform as other networks. However, you can use it to establish yourself as an expert in an exciting sector, to distribute regular news and professional articles, or to promote events of yours.

YouTube: Video platform №1

YouTube is the platform for your video marketing. It is particularly suitable if you want to communicate with your prospects not only in the form of text and photos but also explain facts using moving images.

Pinterest: The tip for eCommerce

In general, your content can be spread virally on Pinterest and Facebook. You have a unique advantage in that direct linking of products to your store is possible. Especially if you want to push your online store, Pinterest is highly recommended.

Xing: The B2B classic

Xing is an ideal portal for networking in the B2B sector. You can expand your expert status here and find responsible contacts for acquiring business customers — especially in German-speaking countries.

LinkedIn: Perfect for international B2B

In principle, LinkedIn can be used in a similar way to Xing. However, you can use it to operate more internationally. Especially if you want to do business in English-speaking countries, you will find numerous international contacts on LinkedIn who may interest you.

Conclusion: Social Media Work Is Almost Always Worthwhile

The use of social media is at least helpful for many companies. Especially for large and growth-oriented companies, it is a must. You can do much more targeted marketing than traditional advertising if you plan wisely. The central aspects are, above all, brand building and your company’s integration into your customers’ private environment.

The most important thing is that you take the necessary time to work on it instead of just doing anything to have an account somewhere. Social media can be a door opener for new customers and an anchor for existing customers — but only if you take the necessary time to maintain them. Then they are an efficient weapon for your marketing, the importance of which will continue to grow.

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Tobias Trapp

How the power of your words help sell you more