Expansive Thinking:
Six Ways to approach the role of Design & Future.

JJ Lee
3 min readJul 27, 2023


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In our rapidly changing world, conventional problem-solving approaches are no longer enough to address the complex challenges we face. The combination of global population growth, urbanization, technological advancements, and resource demands a paradigm shift in design methodologies. While established approaches like ‘Design Thinking (1950)’, ‘Human-centered Design (1958)’, and ‘Double Diamond (2005) have been valuable, they may not fully align with the dynamic landscape of today.

To meet the urgency of our social, environmental, and economic issues, we must explore visionary frameworks like The Framework for Innovation and the Systemic Design Framework. However, to truly harness their potential, we must adopt integrated thinking and break free from conventional notions.

In this review, I dive into an eye-opening book that presents six ways to expand our thinking and foster innovative solutions for the future.

Expand: Stretching the Future By Design

by Christian Bason and Jens Martin Skibsted.

Thinking with Time:

The book emphasizes drawing inspiration from science fiction and developing long-term strategic scenarios. Visionary approaches, alliances, and sustained investments beyond 2030 are essential to address challenges and exceed previous goals. By thinking with time, we can build a better future.

Proximity and Empathy:

Innovative approaches can redefine our connection to problems and others. Experiences like Olafur Eliasson’s melting ice blocks and the Red Cross’ virtual reality centre expand empathy and inspire action, benefiting nature and humanity alike. Emphasizing proximity and empathy fosters ethical action.

Redefining Life:

Advancements in technology raise questions about extending life beyond our physical bodies. Explorations in architecture, such as mycelium-based materials, challenge our perspective on “living” entities, urging us to safeguard biodiversity and respect all living beings.

Embracing Value and Sustainability:

Modern value creation must prioritize environmental and social sustainability alongside financial measures. Adopting circular models that regenerate the environment and fostering collaboration for sustainability enables organizations to make a positive impact on society.

Embracing Dimensions and AI Collaboration:

Addressing future challenges requires embracing multiple dimensions simultaneously, including digital and physical, and human and machine interactions. Intelligent machines are essential, but humans should maintain their freedom while collaborating with AI for remarkable outcomes. Creative alliances with AI can empower us when used wisely.

Breaking Free from Sector Boundaries:

Driving innovation demands breaking free from conventional sector boundaries. The public sector can contribute to groundbreaking inventions, while the private sector can venture into traditional public domains. Collaborating across sectors and creating mission-driven hybrid organizations is crucial for a sustainable future.

Expanding our design thinking is paramount in the face of our interconnected challenges. By thinking with time, embracing proximity and empathy, redefining life, prioritizing value and sustainability, embracing multiple dimensions and AI collaboration, and breaking free from sector boundaries, we can pave the way for a brighter and more sustainable future. The insights offered in “Expand: Stretching the Future By Design” provide a roadmap for innovative solutions that will help address the complex issues of our time. Let us be ambitious and creative in our pursuit of a better society and a sustainable planet for future generations.

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Christian Bason is the CEO of DDC — Danish Design Center, a not-for-profit institution funded by the Danish government. Bason is the former Director of MindLab, the Danish government’s innovation team, and former Business Manager at Ramboll, a global consultancy.


Jens Martin Skibsted, Global Partner at Manyone, is a multiple award-winning designer, entrepreneur, and design philosopher. He founded Biomega and has helped found several design consultancies including Skibsted Ideation, KiBiSi, and Manyone.

