Don’t Take Things Personally

Arton D.
3 min readJul 5, 2024

Taking things personally is not a bad thing, it actually helps you succeed in life.

The thing that makes you take things personally, is EGO! Ego is also not always a bad thing, it is what makes you want to be number one, it brings pride in your work, it makes you work harder to deliver good product and be a good leader and what not!

Don’t Take Things Personally
Don’t Take Things Personally

But, the problem comes when ego actually prevents you from listening to the critiques that you are being told. That is a bad way taking things personally.

For instance, I got some critique on the other day. I got somebody sent me a message and they said that I did not explain something well enough, as I did not explain what a word, I used in my article, meant!

My first reaction to this was, well if you do not know what that word means, google it! That was my ego saying:

Hey I cannot believe this person is asking me about that, and critiquing me for the way I write my articles!

Then, I remembered a saying I once heard:

The angrier you are, and the more personally you take the criticism, the truer it actually is!



Arton D.

Writing for fun! Tech, non-tech, funny, self improvement, devops, developing, coding etc...