Have you ever felt really stupid for saying something ?

Ahmed Abdelfattah
2 min readMar 10, 2017


Yes you did. Probably many times too.

Unless you don’t care that much which is a blessing or Unless you are like me , I follow a golden rule that never failed me even once but on the contrary breaking this rule has always led to dissapointments, work problems , enemies created , people getting hurt .. and the list goes on. This stay-safe rule is really simple : " In any situation that you are given the option to talk or stay silent. Be silent " .This wise tactic works like magic because the more you talk the more you make mistakes and by losing your mystery and showing your vulnerability you lose your upper hand.

But lately in a clear sky night I thought : this is contradictory to another rule that also worked very well for me which is " We only regret things that we didn’t do , not the things we have done " So isn’t saying/not saying is equivalent to doing/ not doing . How can 2 right things be inconsistent ?! this is impossible .

Through the past few days I was having a debate with myself. Will one regret not saying things or regret saying them ? Is saying wrong things or things that make you feel stupid afterwords is an inveitable part of the learning process or it's just an avoidable mistake that you could have skipped if you just stayed silent . Isn't being vulnerable just a part of being human ?

That's something to think of.



Ahmed Abdelfattah

A Software Engineer and an Investor. “Don't judge a man by where he is, because you don't know how far he has come”