A Alnaemi
2 min readJun 7, 2020


The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast two artists — Tom Sachs and Johana Fateman — by discussing how each artist works.

Tom Sachs

Tom Sachs is a reputable artist whose work has gained a lot for popularity over the last few decades. He deals with high art, which primarily touches on disposable consumer culture — or anything in between. Sachs deals with arguably sophisticated projects which require intensive labor. Notably, Sachs’ pieces of artwork are used to express the DIY spirit. The theme of artwork created by Sachs is associated with outer space.

Generally, Sachs’ artwork can be found in science or even history museums. His artwork is meant to tell a story. In his zines and art, Sachs uses minimal colors but, at the same time, focuses on details. In the Ten Bullets zine, Sachs portrayed art style that is a bit dull — though it was creative. The Ten Bullets zine was exciting for one to read.

I am passionate about the space and everything in the universe. For this reason, Sachs’ artwork strikes a chord with me because most of his artwork touches on the elements of space. Sachs strives to design artwork that matches his passion. He creates his art by using the materials disposed of by other people.

Figure 1: Tom Sachs

Johanna Fateman

Johanna is a famous musician, songwriter, author, and producer — who creates both music and zines. Her artwork focuses on producing the best and most entertaining music. Her art expresses a passion for music — especially what she would like others to listen to — and she also writes zines.

Johanna is an entertainer. She does virtually everything to entertain people. In her artwork, Johanna is highly vibrant — and uses more color in all her works. She is rebellious as depicted in her artwork — as shown in her zines — notably the Riot Girl. Her artwork can be found in the modern-day art museum.

For me, Johanna’s artwork does not strike a chord with me. I cannot relate her art with my own life. Johanna deals with feminist art — which, to some extent, I do not support. However, Johanna’s artwork shows that she is hugely focused because she creates her work to show the world her passion.

Figure 2: Johanna Fateman