A F M Khalil
4 min readJun 20, 2020

Staff Promotion Dilemma

When you are selecting one of your team mates to give a promotion to and to push to a higher level, you are often faced with a dilemma. Most mangers consider promotions as logical result of hard work, that is, if you work hard you will get promotion. Actually, this is a good start, but should not be

the sole reason, the matter is not as easy as it looks. As a manger, building the assessment on the factor of hard work only, overlooking other aspects, in the decision-making process, you may put yourself in a trap, especially if promoted staff will continue reporting to you. Of course, hard work, achieving

targets, taking the initiatives, etc..., are required, but did you ever ask yourself if they are good enough for this position? Can they take new responsibilities? Can they lead and inspire the team and team mates? Do they have the reference power to influence the team? Did you ever ask these questions? Just because you do a good job in your position doesn’t mean you will be better higher up the

ladder. When going up, game rules keep changing; you interact with colleagues that are more experienced, and competent. You become nearer to the top management than before. You have to make

timeless and correct decisions. To add to that, the personal skills needed to survive differ in higher job positions.

What can I do to make a good selection?

There is no checklist to complete to have the right answer; but there are aspects you can look

into to make the right decision. Always keep in mind that selecting the right person is not a mere part of your managing duties, it also can affect your career history, for the better or worst. They keep always

asking who was your boss.

• Don’t Be Biased, Be Professional

Loyal, kind, and sweet are ranked as the top personal traits when it comes to friendship or

marriage; but at work, the ranks differ. While they may be required at some point of time, they never guarantee a right selection. These traits are a disaster if not used properly, such as in the right place,

time, and situation. It is normal for us as humans to prefer one person from another, however, when selecting a candidate, these feeling should be put aside in order to avoid an unfair selection. Remember, it is your role and duty as a manager to give truthful and effective feedback; by doing so, you are heading a step to the right direction. You do not want to see an unqualified person taking the job, thus unfairly taking away the opportunity from individuals who deserve it, and can pay off they job as expensive
price simply because you didn’t make a professional decision while you could have.

• Ask What Are the Most Critical Personal and Technical Skills Required for the Position

If you are requested to evaluate your staff and to make a decision on who should be promoted,

I can say you have been working for your job a long enough to know what are the necessary skills needed. I’ll leave technical skills for you to decide and emphasize on, personal traits. These traits come into two categories, frame and core. Respecting time is an example of frame traits; discipline

attendance, deliver assignment on agreed dates, come to meeting on time. These traits

distinguishing one from another without needing to know person very well. While core traits are

the believes, personal view, and motivations, what they opinion in team work is an example. When team achieve target or complete important project, they keep saying I did or saying we did it together. When one of the colleagues asked for assistance, they saying I did the job for them or looking as an assistance they may need similar in future.

• Carefully Look into Microdetails

Did they give attention to details while focusing on big picture? Did they interpret situations

according to logic and facts, or based on momentum feeling? Do they know how to create reference power and maintain? How they see threatens in workplace, a qualified and experienced team member is a threat, or a good partner?

• Ask Indirect Questions and Analyse the Answers

As a manger always open different communications channels to know team opinion in issues, suggestions, and corrective actions. Asking questions and letting them answer it, in on one hand an

effective tool for learning; on the other hand, you will know how deep they analysis and decide, to add to that who has self-confidence. You can do this in a routine meeting, or during discussion an issue or assigned project.

• The Role Playing

Although this is a very simple and funny method, it can tell a lot. Make one of the team

responsible of the team mates who are on the same level. Rotate this among team members. Observe, monitor, and analysis. It will tell you a lot about what they can and willing to do if they the position.

However, use this tool carefully and watch closely some of them may misunderstand the concept acting as boss and that could make serious issues.

The decision is not as easy as it seems. The above is a guide specifically to make the right

choice and find the best for higher level. Despite that, there are a lot of common things could help you to evaluate staff under your supervision or your colleagues in general.

I always say to team under my supervision: “Discussion is a powerful tool for learning. Come and challenge me, whenever you think your idea or opinion is better than mine, two opinions are better than one, even if decision already taken, always there are margin for correction. We learning from discussion, sharing opinion, and challenging assumptions, from that we build up experience without

paying off for unnecessary mistakes.”