Life after love — A Poem

AhmƎd Ghrib (A.G. STRANGER)
2 min readMay 15, 2020


Painting by Jerbi Lobna

Life after love

For those whose pen has bled in vain

Words of poetry, of rhyme and rain

For those whose past did nothing but drain

Life and love out of their very veins

For her whose skin was unjustly marred

By the hands of a treacherous man

For him whose heart was coldly torn

By the hands of a horrendous soul

This is for you, you who never knew

Anything but the hues of pain and woe

This is for you, you who always knew

Everything but the joys of life and love

This is for her, she who still believes

After drowning in the darkest seas

This is for him, he who forever sees

The light dispersing the darkest beings

You, whose heart can summon water

In the scorching desert heat

You, whose tears can grow Eden

In the barren desert dunes

In a world of agony, there’s a healer

And the healer is within you

In a world of treason, there’s a reason

And the reason is within you

This is for you, the eternal believer

In life after love,

This is for you, the eternal believer

in love after love


Treat your consciousness to more of my words, subscribe to stranger thoughts.

A.G STRANGER(Real name: Ahmed Ghrib) is a 24-year-old Tunisian engineer, writer and amateur guitarist. He has written a small collection of poetry and prose called “A dip in my ocean”. It is available now on Amazon. He has also written a novel which bears the name “He wrote Lily”. It is not published yet. He is currently working on a sequel to “A dip in my ocean” which will most likely be titled “My ocean”.

Artwork by my friend Lobna Jerbi:


