Sounds of Truth: The Master Manipulator

Anandan (AJ)
3 min readSep 4, 2018


Once Upon a Time

There Lived a King in an Ancient Land.

Over a Period of Time

His Kingdom Had Devolved into Total Disarray.

Godowns were Low on Grains,

Trade Was in Decline,

Subjects Were Unhappy and Poor,

And Enemies Were Ginning Up for War.

The King was Paranoid and Felt Betrayal in the Air

“Why,” He Wondered,

“Should These Adversities Happen to Me?”

“Find the Wise Sage,” he Ordered.

“I Once Met This Special Being in the Forest

Who Seemed to Know It All

From the Movements of the Stars

To The Nature of Men.

Maybe He will Know What’s Ailing my Kingdom

And Find a Way to Reverse this Slide.”

The Sage Entered the King’s Court Looking Splendid

He was Hardly Dressed Except For a Narrow Loincloth

And Had the Air of Someone Who Truly Had No Care in the World

With No Burden of Thought,

No Impulse of Desire,

And No Weight of Expectations,

He Seemed Permanently Soaked in Bliss.

“O’ Holy One,” the King Said in a Low Voice

“My Kingdom is Being Betrayed

By Those Disloyal to Me.

I am Consumed with Profound Angst, O’ Wise Sage,

I Bow to You and Seek a Solution.”

The Sage Laughed and Looked into the King’s Eyes

“O’ King, Yes, There is a Simple Reason

For Your String of Misfortunes.

Your Kingdom Has Become Susceptible

To a Master Manipulator.”

“Hah, I Knew This,”, the King Exclaimed.

“ Speak The Name of the Traitor

And I Shall Execute this Person

In the Public Square.”

A Dozen Names Passed the King’s Mind in a Flash.

Brothers. Sons. Wives. Mistresses. Ministers.

Who Could It Be?

None Were Beyond Suspicion.

They Shall Learn an Unforgettable Lesson Very Soon.

The Sage Laughed Again.

“Let me First Tell You

What the Manipulator is Doing

And Then You Shall Know Who the Person Is”

The Sage Continued With a Smile

“You See Things Not As they Are,

But What this Person Wishes Them to Be.

You See All People and Situations

Through His Warped Filters.”

The King Was Confused.

“Who Is This Person You Talk of?”, He Demanded in an Angry Voice.

“I Shall Behead Him With My Own Sword.”

“The Manipulator, Dear King, is Thy Mind,” the Sage Answered.

“It Neither Recedes Nor Rests,

Filled with Doubt, Anger, and Pride,

It Constantly Whispers Stories In Your Ear,

Coloring Your Perceptions of Reality.

Every Decision Driven By the Mind

Was, Is, and Will Always be Fatally Flawed.”

The Sage Paused for a Pregnant Moment and Then Said:

“Now that You Know, Will You Execute this Traitor?”

The King Was Dismayed and Ashamed

And Shaken to the Very Core of his Being.

The Sage’s Words Were Direct,

But He Had Spoken the Truth.

“How do I Kill My Mind?”, His Voice Trembled.

The Sage Laughed Again, This Time With a Roar.

“You Cannot Kill By Engaging With It.

You Can Only Weaken It by Ignoring Its Voice.

You Attention is Its Nutrition.

As You Ignore it More,

It Will Wither and Deflate

And Loosen Its Hold on You.

And When the Mind Begins to Lose Its Identity,

It Will Listen to You and Be a Faithful Servant.

You Shall Operate from a Different Place,

Making Wiser Decisions for Your Kingdom

While Solving for the People, Not Self.

You Will Suffer Less

And May Even Experience Joy.”

The King Bowed and Thanked The Sage

And Vowed to Deal with the Invisible Beast

By Seeking to Be More Aware

Of his Breath and Attention

Every Waking Minute.

From Ancient Empires to Now,

The Nature of Man Has Not Changed a Whit

The Dissonance is Internal, Not Outside

And The Real Demons Lie Within.

The Most Profound Questions Are Disarmingly Simple.

Are We Aware of Our Minds,

And What It Whispers to Us Every Day?

Do We Ignore It

Or Act on it?

Are We Telling It What to Do

Or Is It Telling Us?

Do We Truly Know the Difference?

PS: Sounds of Truth is a series of stories and poems reflecting my random observations on life. They are loosely inspired by a constellation of real world experiences and fictional stories, and do not refer to specific people or situations.



Anandan (AJ)

Co-Founder/CEO of Consensys Ventures backed Pulse Agent | Advisor to Fortune 500 Companies | Writing on Digital Transformation, Startups, Culture, and Life