Kandasamy K
18 min readJul 28, 2024

My Life-Changing Experience through the Executive MBA at DoMS, IIT Madras: (Aspiration to Achievement)..!

It is with great pride and joy that I reflect on the incredible 2.5-year journey as an Executive MBA student at the prestigious Department of Management Studies (DoMS), Indian Institute of Technology Madras. This transformative experience has been a remarkable adventure, rich with learning, growth, and cherished memories.

Growing up in a modest family in Pondicherry, the idea of attending IIT was a distant dream. In my early days, there was no one to introduce me to the world of IIT. It was only later, during my career at HCL Infosystems and Lenovo, that I stumbled upon an ad for the Executive MBA course at IIT Madras on social media. This sparked my curiosity about what IIT stood for and the exceptional market value it held. The journey towards IIT began with this spark of curiosity and determination.

The Turning Point: Eager to understand the significance of IIT, I reached out to my former boss, Mr. Manikandan Bakthavachalam (COO at Schneider Prototyping India Ltd). He left a lasting impression on me by explaining the immense market value and prestige associated with the IIT brand. His pivotal advice was, “Studying anything with the IIT tag carries significant market value. Don’t worry about its worthiness; prepare well for the admission test and interviews. Only highly valued professionals are selected for the Executive MBA program, as they embody the knowledge and core values that uphold the IIT Madras legacy.

A Mother’s Dream Fulfilled: I would like to recall one of the most significant moments for my mother. In April 2003, I completed my diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) at Motilal Nehru Government Polytechnic College with excellent marks. Eager to continue my education, I aimed to pursue a B-Tech at Pondicherry Engineering College (PEC). Despite meeting all academic requirements, financial constraints stood in the way. With a deep understanding of the three-year journey of engineering studies, coupled with the urgency of securing a job and the significant financial burden, my mother, though with a heavy heart, firmly declined my request to pursue engineering and urged me to take up a job instead.

Obeying her wishes, I set aside my dream of higher studies and entered the workforce. This moment left a deep impression on both of us — my mother silently bore the pain of not being able to support my education financially, a feeling that lingered in her mind for over a decade. I eventually completed my B.Sc. in Computer Science through distance education, but the unfulfilled dream remained.

Years passed, and when the opportunity to pursue an Executive MBA at IIT Madras emerged, I seized it with determination. After successfully clearing the admission test and interview, I received the admission letter from DoMS — IIT Madras. On December 26, 2021, I took my mother and elder son to IIT Madras for the first time. During the car ride, I explained everything about IIT Madras, DoMS, and the Executive MBA course. My mother was speechless with happiness for a few minutes, and then she expressed her long-held feelings: “Somehow, things have happened, and I am delighted to see your higher education in person, which has lifted the depression in my mind for more than 1.5 decades.” She smiled, hugged me and my son, and we shared a poignant moment in front of the DoMS building at IIT Madras.

This experience not only fulfilled my dream but also healed a long-standing wound in my mother’s heart, making it a milestone in our lives.

The Journey at IIT Madras: From the moment I received my acceptance into the Executive MBA program, my journey at IIT Madras — DoMS (Department of Management Studies) commenced, marking the beginning of a transformative experience. The past 2.5 years have been characterized by rigorous academics that pushed the boundaries of my knowledge and capabilities. Each lecture, assignment, and project were designed to challenge and expand my intellectual horizons.

The academic rigor at IIT Madras is unparalleled. We delved deep into various subjects, exploring both theoretical frameworks and practical applications. The professors, who are some of the best minds in their respective fields, brought their vast expertise and real-world insights into the classroom, making each session an enlightening experience. The curriculum was meticulously crafted to cover a broad spectrum of management principles, ensuring a holistic learning experience.

Professional growth was another cornerstone of my journey. The program emphasized not just learning, but also applying that knowledge in real-world scenarios. Engaging in challenging projects allowed me to translate theoretical concepts into practical solutions, honing my problem-solving skills and strategic thinking. These projects often required collaboration, fostering a spirit of teamwork and enhancing my ability to work effectively with diverse teams.

One of the most rewarding aspects of the program was the opportunity to build a robust network of like-minded professionals. My batchmates came from varied industries and backgrounds, each bringing unique perspectives and experiences. The camaraderie we developed through late-night study sessions, group projects, and informal discussions enriched my learning journey. These interactions provided invaluable insights into different industries and broadened my understanding of various business practices.

The journey at IIT Madras was also a profound personal development experience. Balancing the demands of the program with my professional and personal life required immense dedication and perseverance. This period of intense learning and growth helped me develop resilience and time-management skills, which are crucial for any professional.

In summary, my time at IIT Madras was a whirlwind of intellectual stimulation, professional advancement, and personal growth. It has been an honor to learn from esteemed faculty, work on challenging projects, and build lifelong connections with my peers. This journey has equipped me with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel in my career and contribute meaningfully to my organization and society.

Challenges and Growth: The Executive MBA program at IIT Madras was exceptionally demanding, designed to push us to our limits and beyond. From the outset, it was clear that balancing the intense academic workload with professional responsibilities and personal commitments would require immense dedication and perseverance. The program’s structure left no room for complacency; every week brought new challenges that tested our resilience and determination.

The insightful lectures from esteemed professors often introduced complex theories and advanced practices that required deep understanding and critical thinking. These sessions were intellectually stimulating and provided a solid foundation for our professional development.

Hands-on projects were an integral part of the learning process, often requiring collaboration with peers from diverse backgrounds. These projects were designed to simulate real-life business scenarios, compelling us to devise innovative solutions and make strategic decisions. Each project was a microcosm of the business world, where we had to navigate through uncertainties, manage resources efficiently, and deliver results under tight deadlines. The complexity and scope of these projects were such that they often demanded late-night brainstorming sessions and continuous effort over weeks.

Balancing these academic demands with our professional roles was no small feat. Many of us were managing significant responsibilities at work, and the need to excel in both arenas required exceptional time-management skills. This balancing act often meant making personal sacrifices, but it also taught us invaluable lessons in prioritizing and multitasking.

Moreover, the program emphasized holistic development. It wasn’t just about academic excellence; it also focused on developing soft skills such as leadership, communication, and teamwork. These skills are essential for any successful manager, and the program provided numerous opportunities to refine them through group discussions, presentations, and collaborative projects.

In essence, the challenges of the Executive MBA program at IIT Madras were formidable, but they were instrumental in our growth. They prepared us to face the complexities of the business world with confidence and competence. The rigorous training, combined with the support and camaraderie of peers and mentors, created an environment where we could thrive and transform into effective leaders and decision-makers.

Memorable Moments: Amidst the myriads of experiences during my time at IIT Madras, certain moments stand out vividly, each contributing to a tapestry of cherished memories. The camaraderie with my batchmates and groupmates was one of the most gratifying aspects of the program. We hailed from diverse professional backgrounds and regions, yet we forged strong bonds through our shared journey. The spirit of collaboration and mutual support was palpable, as we navigated the demanding curriculum together.

Late-night study sessions became a regular part of our routine, transforming from solitary hours of reading into collaborative problem-solving marathons. These sessions were often filled with intense discussions, bursts of laughter, and moments of revelation as we cracked complex concepts together. The sense of community we developed during these nights was deeply enriching. We motivated each other to push through fatigue, celebrated small victories, and provided solace during stressful times.

The insightful discussions with professors were another highlight of my experience. Our professors, who are leaders in their fields, brought unparalleled expertise and real-world perspectives into the classroom. Their ability to make intricate theories accessible and applicable to real-world situations was truly inspiring. These interactions were not limited to scheduled lectures; many profound conversations happened in informal settings, where we could delve deeper into topics of interest. The guidance and mentorship I received from these distinguished faculty members were invaluable, shaping my academic and professional outlook.

One of the most thrilling aspects of the program was the successful completion of complex projects. These projects often required us to apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems, demanding creativity, critical thinking, and effective teamwork. The process was challenging, involving extensive research, strategic planning, and continuous iterations. However, the sense of accomplishment upon completing these projects was unparalleled. Each successful project was a testament to our hard work, resilience, and collaborative spirit. The presentations and feedback sessions that followed were equally rewarding, providing us with constructive insights and a sense of validation.

Moreover, the cultural and extracurricular activities at IIT Madras added a unique flavor to my journey. Participating in various events, seminars, and workshops allowed me to explore new interests and broaden my horizons. These activities provided a perfect balance to the academic rigor, fostering a well-rounded learning experience.

Along with IITM Director Prof. Veezhinathan Kamakoti

In retrospect, these memorable moments have left an indelible mark on my heart. They are a blend of intense academic endeavors, joyful interactions, and personal milestones. The friendships forged, the knowledge gained, and the skills developed during these 2.5 years at IIT Madras are treasures I will carry with me forever. This journey has been a mosaic of enriching experiences, each contributing to my growth and leaving me with a lifetime of cherished memories.

Enormous Thanks to the esteemed Faculties of DoMS — IIT Madras:

I wish to convey my deepest gratitude to the following esteemed faculty members and Head of Department (HOD) of DoMS (Department of Management Studies) for their exceptional support to the EMBA Batch 2022–24. Your willingness to accommodate my requests as Class Representative, on behalf of the entire batch, and your understanding of the unique challenges we face as working professionals, have been instrumental to our journey. Your exemplary instruction and unwavering support have profoundly enriched our personal and intellectual development, while also significantly advancing our professional growth. Your dedication has been a cornerstone of our success, and we are deeply appreciative of the lasting impact you have made on our academic and career pathways.

List of subjects offered in Executive MBA @ DoMS (Faculty wise)..!


· Quantitative Modeling for Decision Making (QMDM)

· Manufacturing & Service Operations (MSOM)

Prof. R.K AMIT (RKA):

· Global Risk Management (GRM)


· Manufacturing & Service Operations (MSO)

· Decision Making Under Uncertainty (DMUU)


· Business Finance (BF)


· Business Finance (BF)


· Business Finance (BF)

· Investment Management (IM)


· Managerial Economics (ME)


· Micro Organizational Behavior (MOB)

· Cultural Intelligence for Global Business (CIGB)


· Managing Human Resource and Employee Relations in Organizations (MHRERO)


· Managing Human Resource and Employee Relations in Organizations (MHRERO)


· Data Analysis and Market Research (DAMR)

· Strategic Marketing for Competitive Advantage (SMCA)


· Applied Marketing Management (AMM)

· Understanding Consumers for Marketing Decisions (UCMD)


· Supply Chain and Logistics Management (SCLM)

· Global Risk Management (GRM)


· Supply Chain and Logistics Management (SCLM)


· Information Systems for Business Transformation (ISBT)

· Organizational And Inter-Organizational Systems (OIS)


· Strategic Planning and Execution (SPE)

· Business Models and Innovation (BMI)

· Technology Strategy and Foresight (TSF)

· Competitive Intelligence and Strategies (CIS)


· Managing Salesforce and Distribution Channels (MSDC)


· Information Technology for Digital Economy (ITDE)

· Analytics For Business and Society (AFBS)


· Decision Making Under Uncertainty (DMUU)


· Managing Marketing Communications (MMC)


· Data Mining and Business Intelligence (DMBI)

· Cyber Security and Applications (CSA)

Prof. C B RAO (CBR)

· Global Business Management (GBM)


· Accounting for Decision Making (ADM)

· Valuation And Investment Banking (VIB)

· Corporate Governance (CG)


· Strategic Brand Management (SBM)


· Business Law (BL)


· Hedging And Risk Management (HRM)

· Project Finance (PF)


· Organizational Leadership and Transformation (OLT)

Throughout my EMBA journey, the EMBA Coordinators — Professor Srinivasan G, Professor Vaibhav Chawla, Professor Vijayalakshmi, and Professor Kamalanabhan T J — have been exceptional pillars of our batch’s success. Their unwavering support, profound dedication, and remarkable wisdom have profoundly impacted us, offering invaluable guidance and standing by our side in various capacities. Their steadfast commitment to our growth and achievement, extending beyond the classroom, has been truly inspirational and has significantly shaped our academic and professional trajectories.

Likewise, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to Professor LPS for his remarkable contribution in designing and implementing the foundational and extensive framework for the Executive MBA program during his leadership as Head of Department at DoMS — IIT Madras. I also wish to express my profound gratitude to all the faculty members and key contributors who played pivotal roles in crafting such an exceptional program. Their collective expertise, vision, and unwavering support have been instrumental in creating an outstanding and transformative EMBA experience.

Additionally, Professor LPS has gone above and beyond by conducting knowledge-sharing workshops on the following crucial topics over the past six months, demonstrating unparalleled dedication to our professional and personal growth. His commitment extends far beyond the EMBA curriculum, and we are profoundly grateful for his invaluable contributions.

  1. Art of Thinking Biases, Fallacies & Frames
  2. Capitalist Philosopher: 100 years of Management thought
  3. Western Inquiring systems & Indian Schools of Philosophy
  4. System Thinking Tools and Concepts
  5. Creative Problem Solving and Integrative Thinking

We express our profound gratitude to Mrs. Geeta (EMBA Program Manager), Mr. Rajesh (EMBA Executive), and our dedicated support team members — Mr. Michael and our two other esteemed colleagues. Their unwavering commitment and tireless support every weekend, often sacrificing their own personal and family time, have been indispensable to our success.

Thanking the Legends of EMBA Batch 2022–24:

Highly knowledgeful people how has supported and made myself reflecting on the incredible experiences we’ve shared and the lifelong bonds we’ve forged. The sense of community and camaraderie that they all extended to me made the transition into this new chapter of our academic lives seamless and enjoyable. Through the highs and lows, the late-night study sessions, and the countless hours spent in classrooms, they were always there, not just as classmates, but as family.

My sincere thanks to these legends of EMBA Batch 2022~24 (Alagesan, Althaf, Anusha, Archana, Arjun, Ashok SK, Ashokkumar, Babli, Balakrishnan, Bharathi, Debi, Divya Rao Madku, Divya Vasudev, Jayanthi, Harinath, Hima, Jola, Ramprasad, Aditya, Kumar, Madhukar, Manish, Maria, Renuka, Puushpit, Meera, Mohamed, Muthu, Narsimhan, Nitin, Padhu, Sahaana, Sanchi, Sarika, Shashank, Sheryl, Shrinithi, Sravani, Sriram G, Sriram S, Sudhaa, Suyash, Tarun, Vasugi, Venkatesan, Vidhya, Vijaya, Vyjayanth, Deepak & Radhakrishnan).

I extend my heartfelt thanks to my groupmates — Divya V, Jayanthi, Hari, Hima, Ram Prasad, and Jola — for their exceptional understanding and steadfast support. Their willingness to shoulder my workload whenever I took on the responsibilities of Class Representative was instrumental in our shared achievements.

Milestone Reached During the 61st IIT Madras Convocation:

On July 19, 2024, a dream day finally arrived. I had the honor of receiving my Executive MBA degree during the 61st Convocation ceremony, alongside my batchmates. We were privileged to be addressed by the esteemed Dr. Preetha Reddy, Vice Chairperson of Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited.

This memorable day marked our transition from 2.5 years of dedicated student life to becoming proud alumni of IIT Madras.

My Role as Class Representative Over the Past 2.5 Years:

A defining moment in my journey was being elected as the Class Representative. During a crucial call with my fellow students, three of us — myself, Kumar VS, and Tarun — were nominated for this esteemed role. Through a meticulous random sampling process conducted by Bharathi Arasu, Venkatesh & Harinath, I was chosen. This selection, though adding a layer of responsibility to my already demanding corporate and academic commitments, was a challenge I eagerly embraced.

For the next 2.5 years, I dedicated myself to serving my batchmates to the best of my abilities. This role involved close coordination with HODs, DoMS faculty, guest lecturers, the EMBA Program Manager, and DoMS executives. It was a divinely orchestrated opportunity to further develop my people management skills. The experience enriched my leadership abilities and allowed me to contribute significantly to the Executive MBA program, ensuring that our batch thrived academically and professionally.

In my role as CR, I have always strived to serve each and every one of my batchmates to the best of my ability. Coordinating with our esteemed faculty and the EMBA coordinator, I endeavored to meet my esteemed batchmates requirements and uphold the values of my batch. Together, we have created a legacy in the Executive MBA program at DoMS, IIT Madras, through our collective support and spirit of integrity.

Reflecting on a few uniqueness of EMBA Batch 2022–24:

1. Many Firsts in EMBARK OF 2023: We set a new benchmark in the EMBA program, showcasing exceptional situational leadership during challenging times. For the first time, we had the honor of an interaction with the IITM director. New concepts were integrated alongside traditional approaches, transforming EMBARK into a full-day event instead of a 2–3-hour session. Additionally, our batch achieved the highest sponsorship collection ever. Sanchi and Venkatesh came forward to shoulder the entire responsibility along with Tarun and me. The unwavering support and active participation of many more batchmates were the cornerstone of EMBARK’s overall success, making it a truly collaborative and outstanding achievement.

2. Faculty Appreciations: We ensured timely recognition and gratitude towards all our faculty members for their invaluable teachings and knowledge sharing.

3. Extended Workshops: We organized additional workshops with Professor LPS post-EMBA, which have been enriching over the past six months.

4. Special Celebrations: We ensured that students’ wishes were conveyed on time to faculty during Teachers’ Day and International Women’s Day, and extended the same appreciation to my classmates.

5. EMBA Teaching Assistant Program: Proposed to allow EMBA alumni to serve as Teaching Assistants has been warmly accepted by HOD madam. It will be thoroughly reviewed and supported further if there is a possibility.

During challenging times, many of my batchmates stepped forward, offering support through calls and volunteer involvement. Their unparalleled support has been a cornerstone of our success, and for this, I am profoundly grateful to them.

A Heartfelt Tribute to My Family’s Support:

I’m profoundly grateful to my wife (Thilaga), whose unwavering support and dedication have been the bedrock of my journey. She has shouldered our personal commitments and responsibilities with incredible grace, enabling me to fully concentrate on my Executive MBA over the past 2.5 years. Her sacrifices and steadfast encouragement have been the cornerstone of my success.

I am equally thankful to my elder son (Vishwa Priyan), and my younger son (Saatvik Priyan) for their boundless patience and understanding. Their love and cheerfulness have been a constant source of inspiration and strength, making this achievement all the more meaningful.

Gratitude to the Lenovo Family & Leadership Team:

I wish to extend my deepest gratitude to the Lenovo Family and Leadership Team. A special thanks to my manager, Mr. Shrikanth RD, whose inspiration has been a guiding force in many aspects of my journey. I am profoundly honored to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Franky (VP — LME), Mr. Wilson (ED — Eastern Manufacturing), Mr. Subhankar (ED — AP HR), Ms. Summer (ED — GSC HR), Ms. Bhavya (Former Lenovo India HR Director), Ms. Priya Tikare (Lenovo India HR Director), and Mr. Vijayarajan (HR Partner) for their remarkable support, which has been instrumental in enabling me to complete my Executive MBA at IIT Madras. Most importantly, I express my heartfelt thanks to my direct reportees, who have demonstrated exceptional understanding and support throughout these 2.5 years. Their cooperation during weekends and their unwavering dedication amidst my academic commitments have been invaluable. Their steadfast support and respect have made me immensely proud to be their leader.

Especially, Mr. Amar Babu, SVP for AP Geo at Lenovo, has been a profound and silent inspiration in my corporate journey for over a decade. His leadership and communication have always captivated me, making me eagerly anticipate his addresses at AHCs and other key employee meetings. His video messages and speeches on behalf of Lenovo management are particularly impressive.

Every year, my colleagues and I travel from Pondicherry to Bangalore for the Lenovo India Annual Kick-Off in April or May. During these events, I closely observe Mr. Amar’s leadership, predominantly during breakout sessions. His clarity of thought, boldness, and mastery over business concepts leave me in awe. His speeches are not just informative but also deeply motivating, infusing extraordinary energy into all of us.

Mr. Amar’s impact on me is immense. His continuous motivation and exemplary leadership create a massive impression on my professional life. Although my interactions with him have been limited, his presence and influence have been a driving force for me. Thank you, Mr. Amar, for being an incredible source of inspiration and a guiding light in my journey at Lenovo.

As an IITian, this pledge will be a lifelong commitment, forever etched in our hearts and minds..!

Way Forward:

As I reflect on my transformative journey at IIT Madras, I am overwhelmed with a profound sense of gratitude and fulfillment. This experience has been nothing short of extraordinary, a testament to the power of education, the strength of determination, and the resilience of the human spirit.

The past 2.5 years have been an intense and rewarding odyssey, one that has profoundly shaped my professional and personal growth. Being a part of the esteemed IIT Madras family has been an honor, and it has instilled in me a deep appreciation for the values and traditions that define this prestigious institution. The rigorous academic environment, the insightful guidance from world-class faculty, and the camaraderie with fellow students have all contributed to an unparalleled learning experience.

IIT Madras has not just been a place of academic pursuit but a crucible where character and capability have been forged. The challenges faced, the lessons learned, and the milestones achieved here have reinforced my belief in the transformative power of education. It is a place where ambition meets opportunity, where every hurdle is a chance to grow, and where the pursuit of excellence is a shared endeavor.

As I move forward, I am excited to carry the legacy and values of IIT Madras into the future. The lessons learned and the connections made will serve as a foundation upon which I will build my career and contribute to my community. My time here has equipped me with a robust set of skills, a broadened perspective, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

In many ways, the real journey begins now. As an IITian, I am stepping into a new chapter where I will apply the knowledge and insights gained at IIT Madras to real-world challenges. The spirit of innovation, collaboration, and leadership that defines this institution will continue to guide and inspire me as I navigate my professional path and seek to make a meaningful impact.

This journey has been a significant milestone, but it is only the beginning. With the strength of the IIT Madras experience behind me, I am ready to embark on new adventures and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. The legacy of this remarkable institution will continue to influence and motivate me, driving me to strive for excellence and contribute positively to the world…!