Exploring the Beauty and Complexity of Muqarnas Architecture

Saeid Shakouri
3 min readAug 1, 2023



Muqarnas or Ahoopa architecture is a captivating and intricate form of architectural ornamentation that has graced buildings in the Islamic world for centuries. This unique style features a series of tiered, geometrically shaped niches or cells, creating a mesmerizing 3D effect. In this blog post, we will delve into the origins, characteristics, and significance of Muqarnas architecture, showcasing its remarkable beauty and complexity.

Origins of Muqarnas Architecture

Muqarnas, also known as stalactite or honeycomb vaulting, is believed to have originated in the Middle East during the medieval Islamic period. Its earliest known examples date back to the 10th century, with its development influenced by the fusion of Persian and Byzantine architectural styles. Muqarnas quickly gained popularity and found its way into mosques, palaces, and other important structures across the Islamic world.

Granada, Spain Muqarnas ceiling decoration in Alhambra palace.

Characteristics of Muqarnas Architecture

One of the defining characteristics of Muqarnas architecture is its use of intricate geometric patterns. These patterns are meticulously crafted, often featuring symmetrical designs that create a sense of harmony and balance. The individual cells, or muqarnas, are carefully stacked upon one another, forming a visually stunning cascade of shapes. The complexity of the design increases as the tiers rise, resulting in an awe-inspiring display of architectural craftsmanship.

Ceiling and wall tile work in Shah Mosque in Naghshe-jahan Square, Isfahan, Iran. The mosque is also known as Jame’ Abbasi Mosque. It is one of the masterpieces of Iranian/Persian architecture and an excellent example of the architecture of Iran’s Islamic era and also one of the top tourist attractions in the country.

Significance of Muqarnas Architecture

Muqarnas architecture holds great cultural and religious significance in the Islamic world. It is not only an architectural marvel but also a symbol of Islamic-era art and culture. The intricate patterns of muqarnas reflect the mathematical precision and attention to detail that are highly valued in Islamic-era architecture. This style of ornamentation is often found in religious structures, such as mosques, where it serves as a visual representation of the divine order and beauty of the universe.

Abdulaziz Khan Madrasa Ivan — Muqarna’s entrance gate Persian architecture detail from 1652 in the city of Bukhara opposite the famous Ulugbek Medre. Colorful mosaics and tiles brought the Ivan to the Abdulaziz Khan Medrese. Abdulaziz Khan Madrasa, Bukhara — Buxoro — Бухорo, Silk Road, Uzbekistan, Central Asia

The Function of Muqarnas

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Muqarnas architecture also serves practical purposes. The tiered structure of muqarnas helps distribute weight and provide structural support, allowing architects to create larger, more open spaces. Additionally, muqarnas can be used to hide the transition between a square base and a dome, adding elegance to the overall design. This architectural feature has become a testament to the ingenuity and innovation of Islamic architects throughout history.

Massa Ata Mosque, Konya.

Examples of Muqarnas Architecture

Muqarnas can be found in numerous architectural masterpieces around the world. One of the most famous examples is the Alhambra palace in Granada, Spain. Its stunning Nasrid Palaces feature intricate muqarnas ceilings that showcase the pinnacle of Islamic architectural achievement. Other notable examples include the Great Mosque of Córdoba in Spain, the Jameh Mosque of Yazd in Iran, and the Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey.

Beautiful Jameh Mosque in Yazdu, Iran, detail of a mosque muqarnas and tiles decoration


Muqarnas architecture is a testament to the skill and creativity of Islamic-era architects, who transformed simple geometric shapes into mesmerizing works of art. Its intricate patterns, cascading tiers, and cultural significance make it a truly unique and awe-inspiring architectural style. Whether admired in person or through photographs, Muqarnas architecture continues to captivate and inspire individuals around the world, serving as a reminder of the rich cultural heritage of the Islamic world.

