ChatGPT 5 and Beyond: OpenAI’s Five-Level Roadmap to AGI Unveiled

Antonello Sale
8 min readJul 12, 2024


ChatGPT 5 achievements
Photo by Levart_Photographer on Unsplash

In a recent development, OpenAI has unveiled a new five-level system to track its progress towards achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). This system, shared with employees during an all-hands meeting, provides a framework for understanding the company’s advancements in AI technology. Let’s dive into what this means for the future of AI and its potential impact on various industries.

The Five Levels of AI Progress

OpenAI’s new classification system consists of five levels:

1. Chatbots with Conversational Language: This is where we are now, with models like GPT-4 and GPT-3.5.

Chatbots with conversational language capabilities are AI systems designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the input they receive. These models are trained on vast amounts of data, allowing them to engage in coherent and contextually relevant conversations with users.

> Natural Language Understanding (NLU):

  • These models are adept at interpreting the nuances of human language, including slang, idioms, and context. They can comprehend and respond to a wide array of topics, making interactions feel natural and intuitive.

> Contextual Awareness:

  • GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 can maintain context over a conversation, remembering previous interactions within a session to provide more relevant and accurate responses. This allows for smoother and more coherent dialogue.

> Text Generation:

  • These AI models generate human-like text that is grammatically correct and contextually appropriate. They can produce a variety of textual forms, including but not limited to, casual conversations, formal communications, creative writing, and technical explanations.

> Versatility:

  • Chatbots at this level are versatile in application, being used for customer support, personal assistants, educational tools, entertainment, and more. Their ability to adapt to different tones and styles makes them useful across multiple domains.

> Multilingual Capabilities::

  • Advanced chatbots like GPT-4 can understand and generate text in multiple languages, making them accessible to a global audience and useful for cross-language communication.

> Personalization:

  • These models can tailor their responses based on user preferences and previous interactions, providing a more personalized experience. For instance, they can remember user names, favorite topics, or preferred communication styles.

2. Reasoners with Human-Level Problem Solving: OpenAI believes it’s on the cusp of reaching this level.

Reasoners with human-level problem-solving capabilities are AI systems designed to tackle complex problems with a depth of understanding and reasoning akin to that of a human. These systems go beyond generating human-like text to actually understanding the problems they are presented with, applying logical reasoning, and devising solutions in a way that mirrors human cognitive processes.

> Advanced Logical Reasoning::

  • These AI systems can apply advanced logical reasoning to solve problems. They can understand the principles of cause and effect, make inferences, and draw conclusions based on the information provided.

> Problem-Solving Skills:

  • Unlike current chatbots that provide information or suggestions, these AI systems can independently solve complex problems. This includes mathematical reasoning, scientific analysis, strategic planning, and more.

> Understanding Context and Nuance:

  • Reasoners at this level can grasp the context and nuances of a given problem. They can understand the subtleties of language, context, and the specific requirements of a problem to provide more accurate and relevant solutions.

> Learning and Adaptation:

  • These systems can learn from their experiences and adapt their problem-solving strategies. They can improve over time by analyzing their successes and failures, leading to more refined reasoning capabilities.

> Multi-Domain Expertise:

  • Human-level reasoners can operate across multiple domains, applying their problem-solving skills to a wide range of fields such as medicine, law, engineering, finance, and more. This versatility is key to their advanced capabilities.

> Collaborative Problem Solving:

  • These AI systems can collaborate with humans and other AI systems to solve problems. They can take input, provide feedback, and work in tandem with human experts to achieve optimal solutions.

3. Agents: Systems that can take autonomous actions on a user’s behalf.

Agents are advanced AI systems designed to perform tasks and make decisions independently based on user goals and preferences. These systems not only understand and process information but also execute actions in the real world or digital environments without requiring constant human supervision.

> Autonomy:

  • Agents operate independently, executing tasks and making decisions based on predefined objectives, learned preferences, and situational context. They do not require continuous user input or supervision.

> Goal-Oriented Behavior:

  • These AI systems are designed to achieve specific goals set by users. They can prioritize tasks, manage resources, and adapt their strategies to fulfill these objectives efficiently.

> Decision-Making:

  • Agents can evaluate multiple options, assess risks and benefits, and make informed decisions. Their decision-making processes are based on data analysis, predefined rules, and learned experiences.

> Adaptability and Learning:

  • Advanced agents can learn from their experiences, adapting their behavior over time to improve performance. They can refine their strategies based on feedback and changing circumstances.

> Multi-Domain Functionality:

  • These systems can operate across various domains, from managing personal schedules to controlling smart home devices, conducting financial transactions, and more. Their versatility allows them to perform a wide range of tasks.

> Interactivity:

  • While autonomous, agents can interact with users to gather additional information, confirm decisions, or provide updates. They maintain a balance between independence and user collaboration.

4. Innovators: AI that can aid in invention and potentially contribute to AI research.

Innovators are advanced AI systems designed to not only solve existing problems but also to generate new ideas, create novel solutions, and drive innovation. These systems go beyond routine tasks and problem-solving to engage in creative processes, potentially contributing to scientific discovery, technological advancement, and even the development of AI itself.

> Creative Thinking:

  • Innovators possess the ability to generate novel ideas and concepts. They can combine existing knowledge in unique ways to create new solutions, much like human inventors and researchers.

> Research and Development:

  • These AI systems can engage in research and development activities. They can design experiments, analyze data, formulate hypotheses, and conduct simulations to explore new possibilities.

> Autonomous Innovation:

  • Innovators can independently pursue lines of inquiry and experimentation. They can identify gaps in current knowledge or technology and work towards filling those gaps with innovative solutions.

> Interdisciplinary Integration:

  • These systems can integrate knowledge and methodologies from various fields to create cross-disciplinary innovations. They can draw on diverse sources of information to develop comprehensive and groundbreaking ideas.

> Contribution to AI Research:

  • Innovators can contribute to the field of AI by developing new algorithms, improving existing models, and discovering new applications for AI technologies. They can help push the boundaries of what AI can achieve.

> Collaboration with Humans:

  • While capable of autonomous innovation, these AI systems can also collaborate with human researchers and inventors. They can provide insights, suggest new approaches, and augment human creativity with computational power.

5. Organizations: AI systems capable of doing the work of an entire organization.

AI systems at this level are designed to manage and execute a wide array of tasks that are typically performed by an entire organization. These systems integrate various capabilities, such as decision-making, management, and operational execution, to function autonomously across multiple domains within an organization.

> Integrated Decision-Making:

  • AI systems can make strategic, tactical, and operational decisions across different functions of an organization. They analyze data, forecast outcomes, and make decisions that align with organizational goals.

> Multifunctional Capabilities:

  • These AI systems can handle various functions, including finance, human resources, marketing, production, logistics, customer service, and more. They can seamlessly switch between tasks and manage interdependencies.

> Automation of Processes:

  • Organizations powered by AI can automate routine and complex processes. This includes workflow automation, process optimization, and the execution of tasks without human intervention.

> Resource Management:

  • AI systems can efficiently manage organizational resources, including human capital, finances, inventory, and technology. They optimize resource allocation to achieve maximum productivity and efficiency.

> Continuous Learning and Adaptation:

  • These systems are capable of continuous learning from internal and external data. They adapt to changing conditions, improve their processes, and update their strategies in real-time.

> Scalability:

  • AI-powered organizations can scale their operations up or down based on demand. They can quickly adapt to market changes, expand into new markets, or streamline operations as needed.

Current Status: On the Brink of Level Two

OpenAI reports that they are currently at level one but are close to achieving level two, which they call “reasoners.” This level refers to systems that can perform basic problem-solving tasks as well as a human with a doctorate-level education who doesn’t have access to any tools. This is a significant leap from current AI capabilities and could have far-reaching implications for various fields.

The Importance of Level Two: Reasoners

Reaching the “reasoners” level is crucial because it signifies a major improvement in AI’s problem-solving abilities. Current AI systems, while impressive, often struggle with complex reasoning tasks. If OpenAI achieves this milestone, it could lead to more reliable and widely applicable AI systems across different industries.

Potential Impact and Future Developments

As AI progresses through these levels, we can expect to see:

1. More reliable and capable AI systems in various sectors.
2. Autonomous AI agents that can perform complex tasks over extended periods.
3. AI systems contributing to innovation and potentially accelerating technological progress.
4. The possibility of AI systems managing entire organizational workflows.

Transparency and Deployment Strategies

It’s worth noting that OpenAI may adopt a cautious approach to deploying these advanced systems. Similar to their handling of the Sora video generation technology, they might initially limit access to specific industries or research organizations to ensure safe and responsible implementation.

The Road Ahead

While the timeline for achieving the higher levels remains uncertain, OpenAI’s CTO has suggested that PhD-level AI could be a reality within a year and a half. This rapid progress underscores the need for ongoing discussions about the ethical implications and potential societal impacts of increasingly capable AI systems.

As we watch these developments unfold, it’s clear that we’re entering a new era of AI capabilities. The journey to AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) is complex and filled with both exciting possibilities and important considerations for responsible development and deployment.

AGI has the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks at a level comparable to human intelligence. Unlike narrow AI, which is designed for specific tasks, AGI aims to replicate the cognitive abilities of humans, allowing it to perform any intellectual task that a human can.

The adoption of AGI could lead to significant advancements in medical diagnosis, education, finance, scientific discoveries, it could help solving complex global challenges and enhance human-AI collaboration.

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Antonello Sale

I’m an AI Writer, Prompts Engineer, AI Data Trainer, Udemy Instructor, Podcaster and Former Police Officer. I write for many online newspapers & blogs.