How to Cope with Burnout and Fall for your Job Again

Lesya Shershnova
3 min readJun 27, 2022


I was going through one of the most exhausting periods in my life one year ago. I’ve never had something like that before.

I remember it well: I was sitting at the table crying. It was a beautiful summer morning in August. My husband and I were supposed to go on holiday next week, but I just couldn’t take it anymore.

“I can’t stand these people! They pissed me off! They were writing to me on messengers around the clock!”

“You should quit. It can’t be like that anymore”, — said my husband. He was the only person who knew about my problems and tried to lend a hand.

I reached a fork in the road, my brain was torn between what I wanted and what I had to do. I was working in one of the biggest real estate agencies in my country as a copywriter back then. I couldn’t quit but did want to.

How come? That coin had two sides. I was earning really good money and writing copy which thousands of people read. Yet, I did it in a horrible place where employers weren’t respecting employees and demanding overwork, and colleagues were gossiping. The main goal was only money and nothing else.

Do you constantly find a new way to scam people out of their money? You are an employee of the month, darling!

Working in a big company seemed like a stroke of luck at first, but the dream job turned into a nightmare a few months ago.

I was adamant about quitting but decided to wait for holidays. You remember many internet tips, don’t you? If you burn out from overwork, the holiday will help you handle it.

My idea didn’t work out. We had an incredible trip during the holiday, but I realized I wanted to quit more than before.

Why am I fleshing out a situation in so many words? I need to convince you it wasn’t about laziness or a bad mood. It was about burnout, though.

How did I deal with it? There are five tips for handling burnout. Believe me, they are a must because I’m happy and have a rewarding job now.

Don’t ignore your feelings

You shouldn’t be ashamed of feelings. It is the first true step on your way. In other words, you won’t solve problems if you aren’t ready to notice them.

Tell someone

Conventional wisdom: there are no problems we cannot solve together and very few that we can solve by ourselves.

Please remember that a little support can go a long way.

Change job

You have two ways: quit right now or wait for a few months and save some money. The second option gives your sense of security. You shouldn’t agree to any work because you can afford a two- or three-month break.

Do sport

The healthiest way to get endorphins is doing sport. You do need endorphins if you quit and become unemployed. The world is your oyster: you can go to the gym, a swimming pool, go jumping or attend pole dance classes or take morning walks. Anything goes!

Find a hobby

For my licking hobbies help a lot in discovering new sides of your personality and relaxing.

But keep in mind that sport doesn’t equal a hobby because the first one will improve you physically and the second one will boost your mental health.

My hobby is cooking. And what about you?


You need to leave your home every week or twice a month at least. As enticing as it sounds, you don’t have to go to the Maldives. You can find interesting places to visit nearby. You need to get away and can do it even in the middle of nowhere. I promise you won’t regret it.


You may have noted this list is full of good rules of thumbs. If you follow the tips above, work-life balance won’t be rocket science. You will change your life bit by bit and find a new way to be happy at work. Just do it.



Lesya Shershnova

I’ve been working with russian copy for years. I want to improve my English-written skills. Let’s do it together!