Artificial Intelligence and Water Scarcity

Andrés Piñones Besnier
2 min readJan 23, 2018

Article investigation and comments

Article 1:Russell, S., Norvig, P., & Intelligence, A. (1995). A modern approach. Artificial Intelligence. Prentice-Hall, Egnlewood Cliffs, 25, 27.

This article is a full and very complete explanation and description of artificial intelligence and refers to it as an study that is focused on the learning of humans about themselves to achieve building intelligent entities as well as to understand them. It mentions the fact that this study is one of the newest disciplines and has a lot of future. It describes all the elements that conform as well as its history among the years.

Article 2: Tim. A., David. M., Jeffrey. M., Kai. K., David. M., & April. R. (2017, July 26). The AI revolution in science. Retrieved January 23, 2018, from

This articles describes that artificial intelligence is suspected to replace humans in many existing jobs by being able to make the job and capable of perfecting it which might lead in a future to a mass unemployment. It talks about the fact that artificial intelligence in its great majority is only investigation and that with the pass of time when this big part starts to become design and results a great impact awaits.

Article 3: Water Scarcity. (n.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2018, from

Along this article water scarcity causes and consequences are described, the term of water scarcity is defined and the context why this situation could arise at some point too. It mentions one of the main causes is pollution as well as agriculture leaks for example. In a very well explained manner it states impact water scarcity would have in a very near future (2025) when two thirds of the world’s population might face water shortages if not deal wit properly.

Article 4: D. M. (2011, August 23). Opinion: The Water Deficit. Retrieved January 23, 2018, from

Describes an actual water deficit crisis in a country in Africa and how it is dealt with and describes the main cause of this crisis agriculture as it is one of the main causes of it. As solutions it provides some simple ones as storing water with the drinking purpose as well as prevention of erosion for farming to become a sustainable practice without the negative effect on water.

Solution Proposal

  1. With the use of artificial intelligence the creation of machines capable of being thrown at a polluted water containing place and give water treatment to clean it.
  2. Water supply by using existing machines that clean big waste disposals on water some sort of water trash can for water to then be treated and filtered to become drinkable.
  3. The building of an artificial dam filled with water from a near place that stills have drinkable water that can be filled later with the treated water from the local place where it might be polluted.

