Case study: Smart City Vigilance

5 min readFeb 16, 2022


  1. To which of the 21 tipping points would you link your proposal, and why?
  • 10% of people wearing clothes connected to the internet

We think that, by making a wearable device, such as a bracelet, focused on providing a safer and healthier environment, the young citizens of Guadalajara would be incentivized to use it, which links us to the 4th shift Wearable Internet. This shift indicates that by 2022 10% of people wearing clothes will be connected to the internet. Furthermore, we also think that there is a wide variety of options that could be explored by investing and planning further upon this internet connected wearable device. .

2. Which tools would you select from IDEO’s design kit for the INSPIRATION stage, and why?

We would use the segments that help us answer the questions “How do I get started?”, which are:

  • Align on your impact goals

By setting a main goal that we want to achieve via our bracelet, we can plan accordingly from it and look for actions or milestones that we want to achieve.

  • The five whys

Asking “why?” can help us find the core motivations of the people, it can give some useful insights about the topic which will help in the long term. Questioning the reasons and thoughts can also help us improve our ideas and create new ones that correlate with our goals.

  • Frame your design challenge

This will help us center our focus in the right direction, neither going too broad or too shallow.

  • Group interview

By questioning the people about their needs and preferences, we can create something that could try to improve their lives while being comfortable.

  • Create a project plan

By analyzing the possible strengths, weaknesses and opportunities that our wearable device has, we can create a schedule that will aid in getting all the logistics of the project solved.

3. Which tools would you select from IDEO’s design kit for the IDEATION stage, and why?

  • Explore your theory of change

The theory of change assists us in making tough decisions. Allowing us to take certain concepts that work best with the product we are offering.

  • Brainstorm Rules

When it comes to brainstorming rules, it is important to always come up with different ideas and not judge those ideas. Brainstorming is most efficient when everyone is constantly talking about new solutions.

  • Create a Concept

This step takes us from a problem to a solution. We gather all those ideas that came with the brainstorming session and we polish them turning them into concepts which are more complex and it’s the breaking point for what comes next.

  • Determine What to Prototype

Determining what to prototype is a key step in the ideation stage, as it takes the previously mentioned concepts and prepares them for testing. Every concept has lots of testable concepts and they give us the answers we are looking for in our product

  • Top Five

The ideation stage is often messy and tough when it comes to organizing our ideas. However the top five gives us the possibility to better organize as a team by choosing the five concepts that stick out the most.

4. Which tools would you select from IDEO’s design kit for the IMPLEMENTATION stage, and why?

  • Optimize and adapt for size.

If we strive to use a city-wide solution we must make our product reliable and affordable, so when we deploy it we must optimize it to be used by everyone and scale it.

  • Live prototyping.

With this we can easily prove our utility in a real environment, this will allow us to make adjustments and include or remove things we missed on design or our first prototypes.

  • Sustainable revenue.

With an adequate long term plan we should be able to keep the project going from its own revenue, generating more earnings, and expanding without the need of new investment.

5. Describe your wearable device, including its functions and benefits according to Jalisco’s government demands.

A bracelet capable of connecting to the internet, it must be able to alert the local authorities about any risk or problematic situation.

This is done by analyzing the vital signs of the user, allowing for the bracelet to interpret escenarios where the person can be in danger. Say for example someone gets robbed in the night, one gets scared, and his heart rate and blood flow elevates to a certain threshold according to a distress situation, when this is confirmed then the bracelet sends a warning to the authorities notifying them of the imminent danger.

In order to comply with Guadalajara’s creative design vision, we have also come up with a way to ensure that the tourist can experience the city in a way where they can enjoy the artistic and cultural aspects of Guadalajara. This could be achieved with certain notifications via the internet, where the bracelet could display certain events going on in your close surroundings. This way the tourist can feel safe and have constant reminders of close artististic encounters to ensure a pleasant trip

6. What did you learn through this case study (personal and theoretical)?

In this case study, personally, I learned that every many innovative ideas can come from a simpler one, just by adapting them and changing the focus they have. Also, I learned that making a device or new product is a complete challenge; trying to know the reception and usage that they will have and trying to cover all the possible mistake and weak points that you see in them is a really challenging process. Finally, I now know about different techniques that could help me develop new projects (creating them, ideating them or implementing them),

Theoretically, I learned about the shifts that the world has for 2025. I never thought that there would be goals anticipated for this date, and that they would be ideas that I see in the news, internet or in the streets. These shifts are good guidelines for what corporations and factories should be seeking for to be innovative and new in the market, and to help society develop technologically. Furthermore, I also learned about the goal that my own city has and proven methods that succesful project do to generate ideas to help them solve their own problems.

