How to make $10k a month with Flutter Flow (no-code)

Matthew Segura
3 min readOct 10, 2023


In a nutshell, I'm a full-time computer science student, currently in my junior year. I have experience developing mobile applications as a freelancer and have previously worked at a consulting firm. However, in the last three months, I've launched my own mobile development agency and scaled it to a monthly revenue of $10k.

Please note, that this hasn’t been an easy journey, and apologize if it seems like I'm bragging. Balancing school, running a mobile development agency, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and ensuring an active social life have been some of the most challenging things I've ever done. I needed money. College wasn't covering my full tuition, and I had to find a way to support myself. As it turned out, I earned more than I expected.

My professional journey began with building Xamarin applications for a consulting firm. Coming from a Swift background where design was my forte, the limited library support in Xamarin was horrible. Eventually, I resigned, not because I disliked the job – I was genuinely grateful for it – but because I had to prioritize full-time education while still earning money. Enter "Flutter Flow". Pair that with "What the f*ck?", and you might think they're the perfect match.

When seeking my first client, I struggled with framing the right offer. A generic “let me build an app for you” didn't cut it. My strategy needed a revamp, so I spent my summer evenings mastering not just Flutter but Flutter Flow as well. I tweaked my proposal to: “I will build your MVP for free.” It might sound audacious, but working with Flutter Flow was genuinely enjoyable. With the right skills, seeing real-time results became addictive. In just a few days, I could have an MVP ready. So, I began sending out cold emails and eventually secured an interview with a fitness influencer.

Furthermore, I assured potential clients that I could craft their MVP at no cost, an offer made possible by the time efficiency of Flutter Flow. While developing the MVP, I could gauge an estimated fixed price for a full app, intending to integrate the Flutter Flow code into a fully built Flutter application with proper architecture. My process involved two meetings: the first to understand their interest and needs, and the second to present the MVP along with a fixed offer for a ready-to-launch app.

My first-ever prospect transitioned into my first client and I credit Flutter Flow for this success. The speed at which I could develop was unimaginable and always thought development was a long and daunting process but it doesn't need to be. Prioritizing quality over quantity: though I might be underselling my services now, this is just the beginning of my journey I feel. Ensuring client satisfaction is my focus.

Currently, I take on just one client a month, helping me balance school and work, but this model is adaptable for others juggling work and life. If I were to offer advice to anyone venturing into freelance mobile development, it'd be this: Network and outreach. I'm fortunate to be recognized as "the guy who builds apps," but skill growth didn't boost my revenue. The key was understanding and addressing the needs of potential clients. Always overdeliver on your promises, and the returns will follow."



Matthew Segura

Business Development Consultant || Built 2 SaSS products to 15K MRR || Founder & CEO at Zapr