Brass Knuckle Knife: The Legendary Trench Knife

Zee Zare
2 min readJul 26, 2023

A Brass Knuckle knife is a popular knife that has been around us since so many years. It is the perfect fusion of the coolest street weapon of the 21st century known as the knuckle duster and a pointed edged knife. So, if you are looking for a combat knife, then this knife is the perfect option for you. It has knuckles attached to its handle which provides a wide range of benefits to the user i.e. a comfortable and secure grip of the knife. You also get to deliver heavy punches to your opponent with the knuckle duster part of the knife. Isn’t that awesome? After all, it is crucial to be well equipped for a dangerous situation we might face where we need immediate self-defense. Brass knuckle knives make sure of that!

These knives were quite popular and extensively used during the World Wars where they were considered to be the best weapons for close quarter combat. At that time, they were commonly known as the trench knives and these knives were used in trench wars during WWI. This knife will not disappoint you in any close quarter combat you might get into, you just need to know your way around this iconic weapon.

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