5 Topics I Refuse to Read From New Writers from an Avid Reader

Sophia Industries
4 min readJan 29, 2022
(Source: Getty Images)

I consume information like it’s crack, in my academic and personal life. If you’re a curious person who needs to know how everything works, then you probably read a lot too.

Writing is different than reading, and knowing your audience isn’t enough. Respecting your audience and the average reader is never talked about.

Here’s 5 ways you can stop demeaning the intelligence of your readers.

1. This is a big one, anything related to how to get clicks.

We all know we could churn out 10 different articles a day with clickbait headlines with below average advice to get clicks and views. But for most of us, that’s not why we write. We believe in the integrity of quality and offering something new. It’s a cheap tactic for gaining views.

How ironic is it that the majority of articles on this platform are articles about how to get attention written for the purpose of getting attention? Soo…where are the actual articles you’re trying to get attention for?

Keep in mind there’s a difference between an article that teaches you what SEO is and how to SEO your article with in depth analysis and an article that promises, “5 Secret Tags Nobody Knows to SEO Your Article To The Max!”



Sophia Industries

Anything interesting is my niche, no matter the topic. Children who never grew out of believing we can change the world, through philosophy.