Overthinking: The Art of Worrying About Worrying (And Why It’s Overrated)

Aditi Khanna
4 min readSep 17, 2023

Okay, challenge accepted.

I don’t mean to hit below the belt, but if you somehow realize that what you’re doing is ‘overthinking’ (heavy air quotes), this article will only benefit you. After reading this, you’ll probably be able to determine whether you were actually, usefully overthinking a situation or simply going along with the trend.

In a world that seems to thrive on the chaos of constant contemplation, we find ourselves caught in the web of “overthinking”. It’s the age-old dilemma of our generation: how to turn everyday decisions into full-blown mental marathons.

But wait a minute, haven’t we gone a bit too far in romanticizing the art of overthinking? It’s time to peel back the layers of this overrated habit and understand why it’s become more of a fad than a genuine problem.

The Charade — All Brains, No Brawn?

Here’s to turning the simplest decisions into brain Olympics. It’s as if we believe that the more we think, the closer we get to unlocking the secrets of the universe. We’ll dig deep into why society applauds these mental gymnastics, even when they’re as productive as spinning wheels in quicksand.

The Reality — When Your Brain Becomes a Self-Inflicted Roller Coaster

Spoiler alert: Overthinking is like buying a ticket to an amusement park, but ending up on a roller coaster you never wanted to ride. But guess what? You will do it because you think it’s the right thing to do. You’ll make a pros-and-cons list — and then you’ll make another, and then another.

The Gram vs. The Clam

Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, to the grand circus of social media. Here’s how platforms like Instagram, X/Twitter (or whatever name it adopts next), and Reddit (the list is most definitely not exhaustive) have turned overthinking into an art form. From filtered selfies to travel envy to house parties you weren’t invited to, we’ll unmask the illusion of #partyhomies and its role in feeding our thought-churning engines that would trigger this:

“I’m like the CEO of Overthinking Inc.”

“If there were an Olympic event for overthinking, I’d be the gold medalist.”

“My life would be so sorted if I stop overthinking!”

“Start sleeping at night like I do, then you’ll sleep out of the fear of overthinking.”

“I don’t want to be the epitome of overthinking.”

Sound familiar? They should. I picked a few out of my WA chats (sorry). It’s time to take a boomerang back to reality.

Escaping the Overthinking Quagmire — A Survival Guide

Ever tried herding cats? That’s what overthinking feels like — chaotic and futile. To control the wild horse that is your mind, start by acknowledging that thoughts are like unruly party guests. You can’t kick them out, but you can redirect the conversation. Take a deep breath, steer your mental ship toward productive shores, and let your actions be the ringleader of this circus. Remember, you’re the captain of your thoughts, not the other way around. Your destination? A calmer, more purposeful you.

Personally, I go by this rule: treat your thoughts like unruly toddlers — give them a quick ‘shh,’ and redirect your mental energy to something tangible.

The Art of Right-Thinking

In the midst of this overthinking extravaganza, let’s not forget the art of thinking just right. Think of it as Goldilocks thinking — neither too hot nor too cold, but just the right temperature. It’s about making informed decisions without summoning an army of thoughts for a simple choice. Striking this balance can lead to a more peaceful, productive life.

As you put down this article, remember that not every choice requires hours of existential analysis.


The views expressed in this article are my own and are intended for discussion purposes only. I do not intend to offend or harm anyone with my opinions.

Signing off,

Aditi Khanna

