Why I Don’t Hate Mondays

Monday. The dreaded Monday. The big Monday. The promising Monday. The Monday that I will change for good.

Magdalina Atanassova🍓
2 min readJul 10, 2022
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

There is so much riding on a Monday — a day charged with angst, pleasure, and hope. I, too, am guilty to be pinning change on Monday, often saying that tracking progress will be easier. However, habits, the one per cent change, can be done any time, any day. Don’t hate Monday — it is just a day of the week bringing the same opportunities as any other day. Own it.

If you want to really work on your habits, try to stack them on one another. Break the change that you want into small, digestible bites, and stack them when you feel ready for the next one. Reach a level where you feel good about your habit. Enjoy it. Become it. And stack something new on that good feeling, thus creating a new habit.

If you are fighting the feeling, it will be hard to build the habit. If you just don’t enjoy salads, deciding that all you will eat are salads won’t help you eat healthier. You will struggle and quite soon will drop the whole effort. But if you come from a good and positive place things will be different. If you like reading, starting each day with a few pages of a book will be an easy habit to create, as there won’t be much resistance. The habit will stick and pleasure will seal it in place.

So what is riding on your Monday that you cannot do today? Can you make your Sunday, today, a little bit more positive, by taking the first step to a new and happy habit?

Stay inspired. Keep inspiring.

P.S. If you’d like quality reading on the topic of habits, read Atomic Habits or start with Tiny Habits. Or my favourite — Indistractable.

