Consult for Jaw Surgery

5 min readJul 28, 2024


My Jaw Story ~ Part 6

After my consult with Dr. McDonald and learning about the significant deterioration of my condyles and how it has been affecting my health, I agreed to see a surgeon for a consult to see what can be done. One thing about life is you never know what is around the corner. The best thing one can do is learn how to bob and weave with the punches. Get up if we get knocked down. Keep learning and growing. That is how I have approached this medical journey.

It was overwhelming to consider that I had been referred to a surgeon so far away from home. Yet I do know people in my professional life and personal life who have travelled to seek care. So we decided to make the trip and learn all we can. Since I was traveling to see a surgeon we decided to make a long weekend out of the event. I have family who live in eastern Florida and we met them in St. Petersburg for a visit while we were there. The arrangements have been made. This will also be our vacation for this year.

The June, 2023 appointment at Dr. Shah’s office at The Piper Clinic was an all day event. The day was well organized and efficient. It started with a quick meet and greet with Dr. Shah and staff. Then we proceeded to do photos, imaging, medical history review with Mr. Thompson, PA-C. I did do a second MRI while I was in St. Pete. The MRI imaging was done a few blocks away and the results were available very quickly. We took a lunch break at a downtown restaurant and then returned to Dr. Shah’s office. By the end of the day, We met with Dr. Shah for a full results review and consultation based on imaging and medical / personal history.

In Dr. Shah’s report he summarizes the results the examination, personal history, CT scan and MRI. It’s time to hear what is going on with my jaw joints and what can be done about it. Below are some of the results and Dr. Shah’s recommendations. Including the Piper Classification for the stage of damage to my joints.

Below are images of my Occlusion.

Functional Occlusion

Below is the summary of new MRI done in St. Pete. It sounds pretty bad to me. My discs could actually be perforated and basically they are “slipped discs”. What would life be like if this was a vertebrae in my spine or a knee? I don’t think I’d be able to function at all .

June 2023 MRI Summary

The image below shows the size of my condyles ~

Temporomandibular Joint MRI

Below is the Pano Image that shows the asymmetry in my mandible and the difference in measurements.

Pano Image June 2023 Dr. Shah’s consult
Narrow Airway contributing to Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Important notes from my CT scan:

My condyle measurements:

Left Condyle: 68 mm2

Right Condyle: 111 mm2

My posterior pharyngeal airway: 43 mm2

A normal healthy posterior pharyngeal airway : >90 mm2

Just from these numbers alone, It is easy to see something is very wrong!

Summaries from Dr. Shah’s report

Summary from my consult with Dr. Shah

There is a whole lot of medical jargon in those notes. It takes time and effort to sort through it and evaluate what it means. Fortunately the report provides some definitions of the terminology in the report.

Reference definitions provided by The Piper Clinic

Dr. Shah provided me with detailed report for my review. Intervention options ranged from palliative conservative treatment to full surgical comprehensive care. In conclusion Dr. Shah’s #1 recommendation for my situation is:

Concomitant Bilateral Custom Total Joint Replacement with Orthognathic Surgery.

This is the option that will provide me with a stable foundation of functional Temporomandibular Joints. The Orthognathic Surgery will advance my maxilla and open my airway. Breathe is LIFE.

Additionally Dr. Shah presented me with a case that was similar to mine and I was able to see the before and after images for a similar case.

This completed the day’s event for the clinic visit. This was a lot of information to absorb and understand in one day. I am grateful for the comprehensive reports he and his office prepared for me. My husband and I were overwhelmed with information. It is good to be able to reference the information in order to digest it further at a later time.

Here it is a year later and I am preparing for the surgery. I have had plenty of time to digest the information, research and make an informed decision regarding my care. I have decided to proceed with the Dr. Shah’s #1 recommendation for the Bilateral Joint Replacement (both sides) and Orthognathic Surgery (Maxillary Advancement). These procedures will done at the same time.

If you would like to nerd out with me on Dental Education videos, I learned more about Dr. Shah here:

Jump to about 10:30 if you want, That’s were the interview starts.

Keep in mind everyone’s journey is different! Everyone’s case is different and not one solution is best for everyone.

Everyone’s situation is different and level of damage to the condyles ranges. You should always seek out which option is best suited for you and your individual case. If you would like to learn about fat graft surgery for the TM Joints, check out Danielle’s blog. She has documented her story and she has videos on TikTok and YouTube.

As always please remember nothing here is ever intended as medical, financial or legal advice. Always seek our your own research and plan.

One of my favorite stops while we visited St. Petersburg was Pier Teaki. It is a roof top restaurant lounge looking over the city and harbor. We arrived there early and had a prime spot to watch a small sailing class.




Sharing things I find beautiful in the world. Postcards for my posterity. Documenting my Temporal Mandibular Joint Replacement experience.