Rottweiler: dangerous beast or amazing friend

Angelika Pomorska
4 min readJan 10, 2019


Rottweiler is one of those dog breeds that arouses extreme reactions. Some people say that it is a dangerous breed, others - that they are wonderful and friendly dogs. What’s the truth? As a Rottweiler owner and breeder, I can say that the truth is in the middle.

Strong character
Sometimes you can hear opinions, that it is a dog for everyone and even a person who has never had experience with dogs can handle it. In the case of a Rottweiler, this is not true and I do not know if someone who had more than one dog of this breed could make such a thesis with a clear conscience. The main reason for this is that Rottweilers are dogs that are self-confident, determined and unyielding.

Honda —

From the very beginning, it needs discipline in running, because once his habits arise, it is difficult to eradicate. In addition, if the owner allows dog to gain control over himself, the dog may stop his orders, and in the case of very unresponsive dogs, it may react aggressively when someone tries to force something on its. Discipline can never be forced by violence. Apart from the fact that it is a bad form of training, in the case of Rottweilers it may lead to cowardice, which in turn may lead to the most dangerous form of aggression: aggression from fear.
However, when these adversities are overcome, the better side of this dog reveals itself to us. At one point, it turns out that a strong character is not its flaw, but the biggest advantage. A intelligent dog is revealed to us and without any discouragement, performs commands for us and derives joy from this work. Its resistance to pain and patience make the dog a perfect companion for children.
Rottweilers love to spend time with his owner, whether it lays on the couch or goes for long walks. You can be sure that these dogs will follow you at every turn and they will even want to go to the bathroom with you.

Powerful look and strength
Bad behavior will not be as bothersome if you have a small dog. When a big dog like a Rottweiler pulls on a walk, it’s almost like you’re being dragged by a second person, only with a 4-foot drive. But if the same strength pulls you on the rollers, it’s a completely different matter and great fun. Their appearance is unpretentious but still makes a big impression. Their dark eyes may seem threatening to casual people, but as the owner you know that these are the eyes of the largest dinner beggar. Short coat with undercoat sheds usually twice a year and even frequent combing does not prevent leaving it in the corners of the flat.

My experiences
My dogs showed me that not the breed means the most, but a particular dog. How do they differ? My first Rottweiler could not bark and I had to reward him with a sausage to start. Later when rottweiler puppy girl settled with us, she quickly found that good things were getting by barking. The elder is still not quite able to bark, but girl perfectly barks on everything.

Playing ball fetch can take place forever, especially when his favorite game is to bring the ball. If I do not want to take it anymore, he tries to put it in my hand. If it does not fall to the ground, it means I’m holding the ball and now I have to throw it again.

Once, when Rottweiler boy was playing, he did something in his paw, then he cringed and sniffed from time to time. We drove to the vet and suddenly he was such a healthy dog! Walked, sniffed, got over to the lady at the reception desk and showed nothing while examining the paw. We had to do an X-ray, because he did not show anything that is hurting it at all.

Once dog caught a pigeon in flight, but he realized that bird was not the ball and spat it out at once. The pigeon was taken to the vet, fortunately nothing happened to him. In the past, Rottweilers were used to chase cattle and instinctively feel the need to chase fast moving objects.


In short, the Rottweiler is not as scary as the media show him, but it is not a nice dog for everyone. Many myths have arisen over this breed that and Rottweilers don’t deserve it. It depend on us, how these dogs are perceived. Both on the owners and breeders, but it also depends on people who look at Rottweilers through the prism of their bad reputation.

