An App a Week (keeps the therapy away?)

Amee Assad
2 min readAug 4, 2020


I haven’t seen this idea posted anywhere online (probably because any other developer would tell me it is a bad idea and nearly impossible to implement), but as we are nearing the end of summer I thought it would be cool (and add a sense of accomplishment to this ‘quarantincation’) to simultaneously create and take part in a challenge to build an app a week*. Given that great apps require much longer than a week to build, and I’m working a summer job and moving out of the country, these apps will have to be the bare minimum mobile or web solutions.

Why am I doing this?

Throughout the past couple of years I’ve been jotting down problems I’ve perceived and ideas I have in mind that could solve those problems. If my Notes app on my iPhone were to speak, it would probably tell me to go speak with a therapist instead of confiding in a piece of software.

But who goes to therapy anymore when there seems to be a mobile-app solution to every problem?!

Maybe this challenge is a commentary on the fact that more people should be seeking real person-to-person therapy instead of expecting technology to solve all their problems. Or maybe this challenge will show you that software can solve people’s problems… You’ll have to find out at the end of this month.

For my apps, I will be using a regular old notepad and pencil to sketch the user interfaces and Flutter, Google’s open-source UI software development kit, to build those mobile apps. The architecture behind it will depend on the actual program I’m implementing, and I’ll be sure to open-source everything in my Github.

