The Sexual Insecurities of White Men in Britain towards Pakistani men

ahmed ali
7 min readApr 7, 2024


Many people throughout the UK and the world have heard about the CBN reports of 1 million white females being trafficked by men of Pakistani heritage, they portray Pakistani men as racist violent pimps who make the assumption that white females are fair game. This racial labeling of a whole ethnicity of men as savages and rapist is not new to the white conscious. Throughout British and colonial American history, minority men have always been portrayed as men who cannot control their sexual urges in front of white females. They try to portray white females as a docile, innocent people who have been victimized by the black and brown brutes that they live around. This led to many false reports of rape accusations on black men during slavery by white females. Many lynching’s took place of innocent black men who were falsely accused of taking a white female’s virginity. The constant idea that the white female is always the victim, and the minority male is always the perpetrator has led to the imprisonment and death of many minority men in both Britain and the United States.

Caricatures of African American men being labeled as a dark skin man who lust for white females

The sexual insecurity of the white man knows no bounds worldwide. It is the reason that he invented gun powder to compensate for his shortcomings in the downstairs department. As most people have all figured out and witnessed with their own two eyes. Only white male scientist such as Richard Lynn would put all the years of effort and hard work to compile a list of measured and self-reported statistics regarding the penile sizes of different groups of men.

Unfortunately, despite all the statistics gathered from various sources across the world. The white man still falls short in all the numbers. Since we are talking about Britain. I’ll stick with British white man for this analysis. The average British white man by all measured statistics is 13.97 cm. This is in sharp contrast of what Richard Lynn said the average penis size of Pakistani men was at 15.25 cm. This is a whole inch larger than the average British white man. The average black male is 16.07 cm according to Richard Lynn.

The asterisks are said to be self-reported on the statistics and the numbers without the asterisks next to them are the measured stats.

Richard Lynn 113 countries

These are more online surveys and as you can see, the British white man comes up short as usual

Where does your country hang — World Wide Penis Survey at

Many white British men like to portray Pakistani men in the media as misogynist and regressive to their wives. They try to show Pakistani men as patriarchal towards their wives. This goes back to the age-old colonial image of trying to be the white male savior to nonwhite women. However, what these insecure white males forgot to mention is these Pakistani women have all the freedom in Britain to go into feminist mode if they chose too like British white women have. However, they choose to be loyal to their men. This can be seen in many English Defense League and Anti far right marches in Britain where you have hordes of insecure sexually incompetent white men who get mad because they’re stuck at the pubs with their beer drunk white friends while their white female counterparts are routinely going across the train tracks to be with the brown “savages”. It should be noted that Tommy Robinson who is the leader of the English Defense League only started the movement after his cousin was having day to day adventures with the local Muslim boys of Luton.

As you can see, even Pakistani women in positions of power such as Naz Shah are willing to defend their male counterparts.

Muslim female protestors like Saffiyah Khan who laugh at the insecurities of the 2 inch sizes of the average English Defense League members

Angry little insecure white male above

What makes white men even more angry than Pakistani women rejecting them all throughout Britain is when their own British white women with all the freedoms in the world start converting to Islam by the dozens with their sexually competent Muslim Pakistani husbands. A good example of this is Lauren Booth. The fastest converts to Islam in Britain are British white women according to statistics

Imagine trying to portray yourself as a savior in the British media just to have your own rich, upper class well respected white women run off with better sexually potent Muslim men. The hatred of Princess Diana going with Muslim men such as Hasnat Khan was notorious all throughout the British press.

The insecurities of white men can be echoed across all social platforms in Britain.

When white women convert to Islam and don’t like white men

When insecure hypocritical white men accuse white females of aiding their replacement when in reality it's just their sexual insecurities being exposed in a subconscious way. There is a reason why racist white men despite looking down on white women being with men who sexually satisfy them are the first to book tickets to places like Thailand or the Philippines to get local poverty-stricken nonwhite females who would be willing to stroke their little egos. Why should British white women be loyal to British white men when their own British white men would jump ship for places like Cambodia any time of the day to feel sexually desired because let's face it. The local British white females have either gone into feminist mode or are getting their sexual urges satisfied by other races of men. A lot of English Defense League members have had mail order brides from the Philippines who eventually drained the white man’s bank account and jumped ship to the next insecure white male to cypher money out of.

However Pakistani males also realize in Britain that some white females will use their white privilege and try to tame nonwhite men to satisfy her own sexual urges. A good case of this is Ayesha Gunn who was a local Birmingham police officer and was fired recently for having sexual relationships with a local Pakistani prisoner named Khuram Razaq.

Many white British women do have signs of entitlement and despite Pakistanis being economically the poorest ethnicity in Britain. They tend to get the most backlash by the English Defense League, Britain First and many other far right organizations. The British white female entitlement shows that despite British white women having the most economic mobility with British white men. They still desire their sexual urges to be satisfied and will go to whatever lengths to get their orgasms. This means they will use their positions of power in Britain to manipulate innocent nonwhite men because let's face it. White women are portrayed as angels in the media who are immune from sin. It's always the intimidating minority male who is at fault. They obviously are not pleased with the Viagra needing impotent cave penile sizes their men folk have so this will build tension in British society and 99% of Pakistani women statistically do not go near something that is pink, shriveled up and can’t hit g spots properly. White women want to have all the economic privileges in the western world added with the sexual privileges as well. Also, most white men also get drunk and hang out at the pubs all day watching football instead of being at home trying to please their wives like good husbands. This in turn leaves their white wives either going through states of mental depression or they start to develop feminist tendencies to challenge the white male status quo.

