
AAA MetaHuahua
8 min readOct 11, 2022



ToriPunks is the first AAA Community project to be born on the Teritori network.

ToriPunks is a Punks collection, on Teritori, in tribute to the original collection. We wanted to create a useful and fun collection, for all its owners.



Society excluded us because of our biggest crime ever, our very nature. We refuse any form of corruption, and fake interactions. We are the ones who dare to say out loud the problems of transparency, scams and manipulation.

We come from various blockchains, where we just didn’t fit in. We had no voice and no attention given except hate. Marketing and appearances made us all forget that we were only subjects of social & tech experiments. It blinded us from the truth: we were pawns designed to consume and be silent.

To speak out and never be submissive again, we decided to unite all 10,000 punks. We only respect the charter of Joel :

  • You will respect your family
  • Your vote will always be taken into consideration
  • Your voice will always be listened
  • You will contribute to the Punks Game
  • You will help other Punks

In order to respect our neologistic philosophy, we have been looking for a space where we are free, where we can create, share, have fun and win. This is why we chose Teritori, as it is a land of sharing and innovation. We are ToriPunks, having fun and playing games on our own Teritori.

Cosmos save the Punks, long live the ToriPunks.

Discover the punk inside of you

When you arrive on the Punks Teritori, you discover a universe of games, without faith or laws, where everyone is free to express themselves however they wish.

You wish to wear a Mohawk, a Bandana, you have a Sombrero, we accept you. You are a cyborg ape, or a white ape, we accept you.

You came with us, in this long journey, walking with the difficulties from the blockchains, to reach your final goal. The IBC. This is why you chose to come with us.

Here, in our Teritori, you are a Punk.

You can now free the player in you. You are no longer afraid of unbalanced games, you are no longer afraid of losing your money, of not being allowed to anonymize your transaction. Here, in our Teritori, you are a Punk, a real one, and you have access to a universe without limits.

By minting a Punk, you will participate in the Punks Game Wallet. This wallet finances the Punks Games. Are you sure you want to join this very private circle?

Russian Roulette

You advance in this Teritori, and you discover on the right a bar, a little bit shabby, but nice. Some Punks you made the trip with are in front, drinking a good beer, chatting with Ferryman and Pop.

You stop, join them, and they take you right away to discover this new game. “You’ll see, it’s great, and it’s only for Punks.

You enter this bar, and you discover a crazy crowd, shouting at the top of their lungs: “Russian Roulette, Russian Roulette!!!”

You meet zôÖma’s eyes. And you say, “What are the rules of this game?”

zôÖma says to you in a slightly shaky voice:

“You see that big guy over there? That’s ONCHTX. A big crazy man.

One time per month, he sells 5,000 tickets, at nightfall, around 7pm. The ticket costs 1 $TORI. No Punk, no ticket. He’s uncompromising.

There are 2,500 winning tickets, each winning ticket can receive “up to” 60% of the monthly rewards of The ToriPunks Game Wallet.

The other 2,500 are crying and get nothing.”

Gigantic lottery

You tell yourself that even if you have a 50% chance of winning something, and a 50% chance of winning nothing, you would rather try something less risky.

You continue to wander around the bar, and at the far end of the room, you see Reaper.

You know him, and you know he’s a pretty quiet guy, not one to take chances. You approach him and look over his shoulder.

He’s on a slot machine. It’s hard for you to understand because you know we all came in with no money. So you ask him how this slot machine can be financed. He looks at you, and answers with a big smile.

“To become a Punk, we all paid a price to Mint, remember? Well, this Mint is mostly staked on AAA Community validators.

60% of the monthly profits are distributed in Russian Roulette, and 20% in this slot machine. It’s free, you just have to connect your Punks. And you can win the big prize.

Personally I prefer to play this one. GigiBitcoin screams a lot at the Russian Roulette, and I have pretty sensitive ears.”

Complete Money Management

You think this staking thing is a great idea, but you’d like to see it more clearly. You walk up to the bar owner, Yaquv, and ask him how the money from the Punks’ Teritori is managed. He looks you in the eyes, quite surprised that you ask this question, and answers you:

“You know big guy, we’re here to drink and play. But hey… I’ll explain it to you anyway.

When you were born Punk, during the Mint, 70% of the money collected was staked on the AAA Community validators, in the Punks Game Wallet.

This money produces money every month. The rewards are reinvested as follows:
- 20% in the validator, because it increases the volume of money in the games
- 60% in this Russian Roulette, for the degenerates
- 20% in the Gigantic Lottery slot machine

Every time one of us sells himself on the black market, AAA Community takes 50% of the 10% fees transaction, we take the rest, to keep the bar running, you understand?”

And you discover this sheet of paper:


Punkerships for Raffle

At that moment he hands you an old piece of paper. It’s the financial flow chart of the bar. You look at it, and it’s consistent with your understanding of it. And then your gaze stops on the Raffles.

ToriPunks Money Management

“What are the Raffles?”

Yaquv: “For that, you have to go to the guy in the back in the white coat.”

The guy in the back is Dr. Cryptulien. You approach him, hand him the paper and point to this thing, the “Raffle”.

He looks at you, and smiles as he says:

“Ah, finally a guy who cares about something other than booze here.

The Raffle is all thanks to the Teritori team and AAA Community. It’s kind of a lottery. If you own a Punk, you put 1 $TORI into each Raffle, and you get a chance to win that particular NFT. It’s a low-risk game, which might give you a nice art collection in a while.”

These guys are completely crazy you thought? At the same time, you take out your wallet, filled “it” with some $TORI earned by “hustling” on Teritori’s Crew3, and you peacefully walk towards the game area.

Welcome to you, dear Punk.

Notes of your adventure

Being an experienced Punk, you took some notes.

To join the Crew, you will have to invest per Punks:

  • 20$ if you are a WL
  • 24$ if you are a simple public

To be whitelisted, you will discover the missions as you go along. Some are already in progress.

The date of joining the family is still to be determined.

Distribution of the mint:

  • There will be 10,000 family members
  • 30% for the bar team (It is necessary to finance the construction of the gaming machines)
  • 70% for the Punks Game Wallet

Distribution of the black market resales (10% fees):

  • 50% for the bar team
  • 50% for the Punks Game Wallet

The games :

The distribution of earnings

The bar is a good investor, and has decided to stake all the tokens. Thus, a winning Punk will have to wait 21 days to receive his winnings. This Punk will be tradable for the duration of the unstaking.

Russian Roulette

One time per month, end of ticket sales.

5,000 tickets, 2,500 winners who share 60% distributed equally of the Punks Game Wallet rewards.

Entry requirements: Own a ToriPunk + 1 $TORI/ticket. (1 ticket per ToriPunk max)

Gigantic Lottery

One time per month, a winning ticket is drawn.

Maximum 10,000 tickets. 20% of Punks Game Wallet rewards given to the winner.

Entry requirements: Own a ToriPunk. (1 NFT = 1 Ticket)


Date not precise, it depends if the bartender is sober.

1 ticket per Punk for each potential Raffle.

Entry requirements: Own a ToriPunk + 1 $TORI/ticket. (1 ticket per ToriPunk max)


Roadmap ToriPunks

WeArePunks ❤️

To delegate to AAA Community

🚀 For Teritori Chain:

🐶 For Chihuahua Chain:

💸 Activate Restake:

To follow AAA Community

🐣 On Twitter:

🗿 On Discord:

🖥 Website:

🎮 Crew 3:

🔗 Linktree:


