here’s a portrait i drew of my dachshund, glenhello and thank you for visiting my web-site. this is a picture that i drew of my dachshund, glen. i spent all day on sunday drawing it and…Oct 7, 20178Oct 7, 20178
dog“i wish i could take u home too boy” sed the boi to the dog “i only ever had a guinea pig before, but he was retarded or something and…May 12, 20171May 12, 20171
beach“the only thing that sux about going to the beach this time of year is that there are no bois” carla sed, although she was secretly glad it…May 10, 20176May 10, 20176
Published inHuman PartsToday I Learned Something About My Boyfriend That No Girl Should Ever Have to DiscoverMark was the stuff of dreamsDec 30, 2014803Dec 30, 2014803