Classification of Programming Languages as Platform Dependent and Platform Independent

Aadarsh Jha
2 min readJan 14, 2024



Programming languages play a crucial role in software development, providing a means for developers to communicate instructions to computers. One key aspect of programming languages is their classification based on platform dependency, which refers to whether a program can run on different types of systems without modification. This classification leads to the distinction between platform-dependent and platform-independent languages.

Platform-Dependent Languages:

Platform-dependent languages are those whose executable code is closely tied to the underlying hardware and operating system of a specific computer platform. Programs written in platform-dependent languages may not run seamlessly on different systems without modification. Examples of platform-dependent languages include Assembly language and C++, which often require recompilation or adaptation to run on diverse platforms.

Assembly language, being a low-level programming language, is specific to the architecture of a particular computer’s central processing unit (CPU). Programs written in Assembly language must be tailored for the instruction set of the target CPU, making them inherently platform-dependent.

C++ is a high-level programming language that, although portable to some extent, can exhibit platform dependency due to its low-level features and system-specific libraries. When developing in C++, developers may need to consider platform-specific details and make adjustments for different operating systems.

Platform-Independent Languages:

Platform-independent languages, on the other hand, are designed to be executable on various platforms without requiring major modifications. These languages achieve portability through the use of interpreters or virtual machines that abstract the underlying hardware and operating system. Examples of platform-independent languages include Java and Python.

Java is a widely used platform-independent language that employs the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to run bytecode, which is generated by compiling Java source code. The JVM acts as an abstraction layer, making it possible for Java programs to run on different platforms as long as a compatible JVM is available.

Python is another popular platform-independent language known for its simplicity and readability. Python programs are interpreted by the Python runtime, which translates the code into machine instructions on the fly. This interpretive nature contributes to Python’s cross-platform compatibility, allowing developers to write code that runs on various operating systems without modification.


The classification of programming languages into platform-dependent and platform-independent categories has significant implications for software development. While platform-dependent languages may offer more control over system resources, platform-independent languages prioritize portability and ease of deployment across different platforms. Developers often choose programming languages based on the specific requirements of their projects, considering factors such as performance, flexibility, and the target audience’s preferred platforms.



Aadarsh Jha

Hello, I am Adarsh ​​Jha from New Delhi, India Currently embarking on a career as a Software Test Engineer, equipped with a BSc degree in Physics .