Things start in the US and then spread out across the globe. Had the same thing started somewhere else it would have taken more time to become a globally known thing.
Example — Uber. What would have happened if Uber started in Ethiopia? It would have taken a lot more time for the founders to grow the business.
Why do things in the US pick up so fast?
The American people are early adopters.
Why are they early adopters?
- They have more disposable income.
- Also, they have access to easy credit when they don’t have enough money to spend on something.
- Spending majority of your income on things is acceptable behaviour.
Why are early adopters so important?
Launching a new thing in a place with many early adopters is helpful. Most important advantage is early revenue. You get some people to try out your thing and pay you for it. And then you improve your thing and then more people pay you for it.
This encourages more people to build more things.
What if you are building your thing outside the US and want your thing to spread out globally?
Get your first few customers in your own geography. After that once you are confident about your thing take it to the US. Get Americans to buy your thing and then work to spread it out globally.