How to be more Likeable…….without losing yourself

Aadityaseal - thedoublea
3 min readSep 9, 2022


This is in direct conflict with my earlier post where I discussed, why you should not care what others think.

And here I am suggesting to become more likeable.


Just take a few minutes and read this too.

Life is never that simple and we can never become either black or white. These are extremes.

Life always works in the GREY area.

Things are complicated and so are we.

If we fail to understand this and become super one dimension, then the chances that you might miss a lot of stuff in life, increases.

That’s why we need to have the knowledge and the intelligence to act as required.

You see, in life, people who are generally likeable, tend to get stuff done more.

These people tends to get higher returns in almost every aspect of life, be it in a relationship or career, or whatever it is.

So, they clearly have some advantages.

You too must have witnessed this phenomenon.

Now, what I want for all of us is to get the best out of life.

And I believe adding the skill of being likebale in situations, will do some good for you. Thus, me discussing it here.

Now, that I have established the point that why you should know how to be more like able, let’s jump into the How part.

Photo by Anna Shvets

These are the things that helped me and I believe, these will do the same for you.

Your Body Language

It May be the best possible first move, keeping aside your mouth.

You have your whole to express yourself and if you somehow manage to get a little conscious of how to move around, that can be of huge help.

Look, people often like people, who are similar to them in some sort. Maybe our brain is wired to like anyone who is somewhat like us. A part of where we belong.

Now, you can actually make this happen by How you interact.

If you manage to somehow understand the other person’s body language or how they speak or how they express themselves and try to be somewhat near that, then it is almost guaranteed that they will like you way more.

It gives them a feeling of being at home. Someone they can trust and be a friend of.

Having an open body language where you can make the other feel welcome, will do magic.

Just remember NOT to have closed body language.

Listen. You need to learn to Listen.

You have heard this before. The main point of having a great conversation is to first become a good listener.

You need to listen, not just to answer, but to genuinely listen to what the other person has to say.

People lack this skill. All they do is wait for their turn to Talk and answer.

Moreover, this can be felt. You will know who actually and genuinely cares about what you have to say.

People love being listened to.

Because it is mostly about how you make them feel. It is never like how intelligently you responded in the conversation or how sorted you are, rather it is how you made them feel. The vibe they get from you.

And people do remember vibes!

So, the point is don’t act as if you’re listening. Rather just listen.

That will do wonders.

With all these tricks and tips, the only thing you will establish is Connect.

Be you and be good, that will do the job.

Anyways, I believe at least one of you will get help from this piece of content. Also really appreciate that you guys are engaging with my content. Thanks a lot!



Aadityaseal - thedoublea

I generally write about anything and everything that gets me curious!