Some Unusual Hacks to Calm yourself during Anxiety and Stress

Aadityaseal - thedoublea
4 min readDec 16, 2022


If you consider yourself to be a human, then it is most likely that you have already encountered these two siblings named, Stress and Anxiety.
Popular indeed.

Why do they have to exist?

We all have been through this in our regular life and for some, it is daily.
People even felt anxiety so badly and it feels like someone is choking them, literally.
It is so bad.
Anxiety attacks and panic attacks are getting really common these days.
With a ton of young people opening up about their experiences with anxiety, it is more true now that mental health issues are rising rapidly.

It is might not sound this bad, but people who are dealing with anxiety and stress, just can’t live a normal life.
It is not at all okay.

So, I have been trying a few things over the past couple of months, and some of them actually worked.
I am not saying that I am an expert of any kind but these methods have a positive impact on me and who knows, maybe some of you might find it useful too.

Look, I know how it feels. And that’s why I started finding the solutions.
Today, I am sharing these so that I can help maybe a few of you guys.
So, I recommend giving it a try.

(If things are intense, then I recommend taking professional help.)

Now, let me give you the things I found useful.

Photo by Taylor Deas-Melesh on Unsplash

This one is a very quick fix or hack

Starting reading things — in Backward

Yes, you read it right.
It works, it does.

You have been dealing with this emotional turmoil for long enough to understand its pattern.
You know the trigger point, believe me, you just know it.
So, the hack is to get hold of the exact moment when it gets triggered and act upon it.

Act what?

Act by starting to read whatever is in front of you, and read it Backwards.

It really helps. It just confuses your brain and stops it from getting into a vicious spiral of thoughts.
The moment you give your brain a task that needs focus and attention, away from the thoughts which caused the trigger, your brain snaps out.

Your brain freezes and starts focusing on the next random task since it will need your brain power.

Man, you won’t believe me, how it works so well.
Try and do this once.

Try and cut down the link before you hit the peak of your negative and stressful thoughts.
It does help.

Now, coming to some practice can help too in a long run.

Start Practicing Deep Breathing

This practice can help you a lot once you have a practice.
Not only will it help you get out of anxious and negative thought patterns, but also it will help you get under control.

Breathing in for a few seconds and then breathing out for seconds does the job. Do it 4–5 times in the cycle and you will realize how it released tension.
How it calms down your body and mind.

The instant normalizing of your heart rate will make you realize that things are again in control.

Practice this voluntarily.

Write your thoughts down

Look, our brain is great at making stuff, making thoughts, and generating ideas, but it is not that good at storing things.
So, when we tend to store a lot, either we forget stuff or we get confused.

That is how the brain works.

So, start the practice of writing down your thoughts.
Carry a small notebook and whenever you feel it is too much to handle, write it down.

Putting this on paper will do two things for you.

One, when everything is out of your brain and onto a paper, you will feel light. You will feel that something has been lifted.
Your brain with getting back to its normal clock speed.

Secondly, you will have things in perspective.
I have personally felt this. Sometimes, in my brain, I make things so obvious and nothing feels weird.
But from the time I started writing down thoughts and started reading them. I realized that most of the things I felt negativity are just nothing.
Either it will never happen, or I have been exaggerating a lot in my mind.

Just try it. You will feel the shift in perspective.
You will gain back control.


If you haven’t started exercising, then start with something.
Start with yoga or a 30mins walk or just light bodyweight exercise.
But start exercising.

It will be a long if I start to explain the benefits exercising has on your mental health. Thus, just wanted to say that being healthy is never bad.

Anyways, Thanks for reading.

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Aadityaseal - thedoublea

I generally write about anything and everything that gets me curious!