The ONE habit that separates normal people from the successful ones

Aadityaseal - thedoublea
3 min readNov 2, 2022


I know what you are thinking.

There can’t be only One thing that has the power to change people’s life. Success is like baking a cake. You will need all ingredients in the right amount in order to make a delicious one.

And I am saying you are right!

But, here is the catch.

What I am about to discuss is something that sets the base of every step you take in life.

Okay, let us take the cake example :), it is like you have know what all you need in order to bake a cake,right? Then only you can start! So, that is my point - Getting only what is needed.


Okay, let me explain further.

So the habit that has separated really successful people from the average one is the Art of Saying NO.

Yes, the audacity and the authenticity of saying NO to someone or something is what we call the differentiating factor.

And it is not something that I came up with.

This has been discussed by the Great Steve Jobs during his time.

He said, to build something of worth you will need Focus. Rather tremendous Focus. And focus doesn’t come from saying Yes to everything that comes on your way. It comes from saying No to most of the things that come on your way.

It is by knowing your main goal and by understanding that only a few things have the potential to help you reach the goal.

Take the case of Apple as a company.

They have been on their own path and legacy from the day they started.

The Tech industry never saw things that Steve and his team did.

And that can happen only when a person of Steve’s caliber knew what not to indulge in. This kind of clarity and action makes something of that stature.

There have been things that Apple could have done, but they choose to say NO to everything except what they believed in.

And it might seem easy now, but back then when the future was unknown, things weren’t guaranteed and their career was at stake, then it was not that easy.

Look, as humans, saying NO does come normal to us. Actually, it is pretty difficult for us. Because of how we have evolved.

We crave acceptance, and saying Yes to things even when we know it is not what we want, is our immediate nature.

At least I did this.

Because in the end, we are human. It scars most of us to say no. Mostly because we wish to be liked and also, want to fit in a community. It is deeply rooted in us.

And this is what causes the biggest trouble.

We unknowingly do things and accept things in life which are just not needed.

Photo by cottonbro

Now let’s look into this from the perspective of life.

Our word is our bond.

It makes or breaks a relationship in life. I believe a person becomes a person of trust when he/she shows a record of keeping their word. It is the reputation.


Now, this is where the word No becomes so important.

Firstly, people generally don’t hear “No” much. Cause no one really says No straight up. They tend to go for the “will see” and “will try” games.

So, when someone shows authenticity by saying No, straight up, it commands respect.

Although people might not like the direct rejection. But they will always like authenticity.

So, this makes a person better in life, and in relationships.

Thus no matter which perspective you choose, the Art of Saying No plays a massive role in your overall success in life.

So, learn to say “No” when you truly feel it.

Anyways, Thanks a lot for taking the time to read my content!



Aadityaseal - thedoublea

I generally write about anything and everything that gets me curious!