This will help you overcome your Imposter syndrome!

Aadityaseal - thedoublea
4 min readDec 2, 2022


What is Imposter Syndrome
In simple words.
It is just the continuous doubting of your skills and abilities.
Not in any reasonable manner.
But in a massive unreasonable manner.

You keep on putting yourself down. Always.

So, if you can relate, then what you have is called, Imposter Syndrome.

And believe me, a lot of people, way more than you think, are living with this.

They take everyday decisions on this basis. Which is not really good!

So, today let me tell me what I found on how to get rid of this imposter syndrome.
To get out of this whole mindset.
Also, let me be clear upfront.
This is will take time.
You can’t change this massive behavior of yours in one week. It will take time, but it is worth it.

Now, I want you to understand.
We all are some way or another, an Imposter.

Some are in their personal life, some are in their professional and someone in other aspects of their life.
But, we all are.

So, as I said earlier, you are not alone.


This kind of feeling is more true for Creative people.

Look, my friend, this world has been around for a long long time now.
It has seen and heard every possible thing that can happen in reality.
We might be figuring it out slowly but this has all been done.

Brother, one study has even shown that this earth, has gone through at least 5 Ice Ages.
5 freaking times, the world has been frozen to ice. Then again life started.

So, if by any chance you feel that you are doing, seeing, something new, that has never been into existence, then there is a high chance that you’re wrong.

This last decade, the hype of startups has been on the rise.
Successful startup founders sometimes might think that they succeeded because their idea was Unique and New.

No, my friend. It is not.
The chances that someone has already thought about that idea before are super high. They just didn’t act on it.

So, my point here is that nothing in this world is absolutely new.

It is all a part of or an upgrade of something which is already in existence.

So, stop thinking that you need to have something absolutely unique.

Now coming to other people also.
This feeling exists I know.

But here are some to overcome this.

Open Up

Guys, open up.
Being a man myself I understand this well. Also, it goes for every human being.
We don’t really open up.

We have been taught to fight our battle quitely and that is why it is so hard for us to talk about things.

It is proven. Sharing your thoughts on imposter syndrome and letting people tell you their stories will massively impact the way you look into matters.
It will expose the fact that you are not alone.

That will not only decrease your loneliness but will also give you the support and people that you need.
Since you will need real-life people to be with you in this journey of discovery.

Just a warning, use your gut to decide whom should you talk to about this. It is important, that the person should be the right one.

You got it!

Try not to be so Perfect all the time

Chill out a little.
We are human and we make mistakes.

People even created a concept known as the “Margin of safety”.
So that we can gactor in the fact that as humans, we can and will mistakes sometimes.

Thus, stop trying to be a machine.
You ain't one.

That doesn’t mean that you start doing things that are not up to your standard, but to understand that results might vary. Be flexible with the standards of your success.
And also.

Embrace your success

We tend to forget success fast and hold on to failures for years.

We humans have this habit. But it needs to change.
Don’t hide from the fact that whatever you have achieved, is something worthwhile.
It is something that you have worked for!

It was not given to you for Free.

Make an effort to recognize and appreciate each one.

Most importantly, just accept the fact that you have imposter syndrome and Start the work needed to handle it.

Because you are going to be okay!

Anyways, thanks for spending your time here. Appreciate It.

Also, if you wish to support my work, then you can from here — BuyMeACoffee



Aadityaseal - thedoublea

I generally write about anything and everything that gets me curious!